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What should 5 y/o daughter get/make for dad's Christmas gift?
Asked by Supacase | 22 responses -
Have you ever felt anxious about giving a gift?
Asked by longgone | 5 responses -
Did any of you just send me the enchanting book, "Red Tails in Love: A Wildlife Drama in Central Park," by Marie Winn?
Asked by gailcalled | 28 responses -
Do you feel particularly more creative at a certain time of day?
Asked by nebule | 17 responses -
Would you give used garage/rummage sale item as a gift to a loved one? Would you tell them?
Asked by msh from iPhone | 7 responses -
What is the best Christmas present to give to a two years old baby boy?
Asked by citizenearth | 21 responses -
Did you give someone a gift this year that was really well received?
Asked by SABOTEUR | 36 responses -
If you could be given a food or drink item for the holidays (via the mail), what would you like?
Asked by Jude | 39 responses -
How do you feel about the holidays?
Asked by jca2 | 21 responses -
What is your God-given talent or gift?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 22 responses -
How do you feel about very practical gifts?
Asked by JLeslie | 45 responses -
What is your favorite charity?
Asked by orbutsbi | 27 responses -
Is the new norm not to thank people for wedding or shower gifts?
Asked by chyna | 26 responses -
You get a Glock 9mm for your birthday what is your reaction?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 61 responses -
A gift for someone who is 1 year sober?
Asked by 8lightminutesaway | 57 responses -
Will you make any of your Christmas gifts this season and if so, what?
Asked by marinelife | 21 responses -
Are gift bag the way to go or not?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 30 responses -
What do you REALLY want for Christmas?
Asked by smartfart11 | 55 responses -
What's a good 'travel gift' for Christmas this year?
Asked by gambitking | 10 responses -
Do you have a "get money" list for those you'd gift if you came into big money?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 20 responses -
What is the thing you are really good at?
Asked by downtide | 23 responses -
What gift are you excited about giving this year?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 27 responses -
When you pay for gift wrapping ordering on line what have you gotten?
Asked by Dog | 9 responses -
What do you do with the dozens of mugs that you can't help collecting if you are a typical member of contemporary urban society?
Asked by Jeruba | 28 responses -
Without knowing when you, yourself are going to leave this Earth, if you were able to donate a portion of your life [hour, day, year, etc.] to a loved one as you can now donate a kidney, would you?
Asked by ibstubro | 31 responses