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What does it mean?
Asked by likipie | 17 responses -
How was your Christmas?
Asked by JLeslie | 37 responses -
Is there a way to browse or do a search for "add to cart to see price" items?
Asked by fluthernutter from iPhone | 3 responses -
What do you think about children making gift registries for their birthdays?
Asked by JLeslie | 46 responses -
How do you feel about very practical gifts?
Asked by JLeslie | 45 responses -
Care to share a gift-giving flop?
Asked by fluthernutter from iPhone | 20 responses -
How expensive does something have to be before you get your partner's input on it first?
Asked by fluthernutter from iPhone | 23 responses -
Would you give her the bear? (Details inside.)
Asked by LilCosmo | 21 responses -
What are you giving the kids on your gift list this year, and when you answer, can you specify the ages of the kids you're purchasing/giving for?
Asked by jca | 26 responses -
What gift would you give?
Asked by Jonesn4burgers | 40 responses -
Is there a single word, in any language, that means what I am trying to describe in my Details?
Asked by josie | 17 responses -
I need gift ideas for a family Christmas gift exchange. A unisex gift with a 50 dollar cap. Ideas?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 43 responses -
What do I want for my birthday?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 26 responses -
What is this thing called?
Asked by lakenick73 | 12 responses -
Does anyone actually enjoy See's candy more than regular candy bars and chocolate bars?
Asked by Kraigmo | 21 responses -
What do I get my girlfriend for Christmas?
Asked by Kobe221 | 16 responses -
Is gift giving an obligation?
Asked by Eby109 | 9 responses -
What are your works of art?
Asked by Unbroken | 44 responses -
Which toys/games of today would you loved to have had as a kid?
Asked by ucme | 43 responses -
Which flavor christmas cake is best to give gifts for my friends..?
Asked by vaibhav | 32 responses -
What does it mean if guy gave you heart-shape necklace?
Asked by fuwala | 9 responses -
What gift should I give in this situation?
Asked by occ | 13 responses -
Is it rude to just send a 'Congratulations'card for a wedding reception invitation?
Asked by coolmama | 17 responses -
Did any of you just send me the enchanting book, "Red Tails in Love: A Wildlife Drama in Central Park," by Marie Winn?
Asked by gailcalled | 28 responses -
If you were really poor, would it frustrate you to have relatives who give you expensive, but frivolous, gifts for Christmas or your birthday?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 34 responses