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What did you want to be when you grew up?
Asked by gemiwing | 42 responses -
What's stopping you from being all you can be?
Asked by NewZen | 30 responses -
What do you do when ambition & determination for a dream is lost?
Asked by seventeen123 | 16 responses -
Is it a good thing or a bad thing to try & look to the future & plan ahead?
Asked by seventeen123 | 11 responses -
What's your DREAM career?
Asked by Glow | 63 responses -
Are you obsessed with the idea of doing something, but never do anything about it?
Asked by valdasta | 31 responses -
Admiration for a quality or an art can be so strong that it deters us from striving to possess it?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 17 responses -
What did you want your dream job to be as a child?
Asked by Hatsumiko | 43 responses -
I always feel depressed and think life has no meaning anymore...just want to die sometimes?
Asked by Blanket_Jackson | 20 responses -
Do you have a lot of "drift" in your life?
Asked by PandoraBoxx | 30 responses -
Is is true that some people are honest 100% of the time?
Asked by YARNLADY | 50 responses -
Have you ever envied somebody else's life?
Asked by kheredia | 42 responses -
What do you intend to do with your life?
Asked by Myuzikalsoul | 42 responses -
If your goal becomes somewhat unrealistic, is it better to scrap it and set a smaller one, or to keep reaching for it?
Asked by La_chica_gomela | 11 responses -
How much better can you be in your life, or could you have been, than what you are?
Asked by dannyc | 10 responses -
What is the true measure of success?
Asked by GAMBIT | 31 responses -
What are your aspirations in life?
Asked by Disc2021 | 25 responses -
Forgotten the name of a goal tracking website, maybe someone here knows of it?
Asked by MarkHeftler | 4 responses -
Is there anything that is holding you back from going for what you really want? If so, what is it?
Asked by Jude | 24 responses -
What is something I can do, not hate, and get paid for?
Asked by onesecondregrets | 20 responses -
What is the importance of confidence?
Asked by Pol_is_aware | 27 responses -
If you have a list of things that need to be done, do you tend to tackle the big (perhaps, more difficult) ones first and get them out of the way or do you start with simple (smaller) tasks/goals?
Asked by Jude | 8 responses -
If you weren't a drinker, how could you get the the point where you were able to "drink someone under the table"?
Asked by Sakata | 35 responses -
Is there a talent or skill you always wished you had?
Asked by Sakata | 76 responses -
Fill In The Blank: My life would be perfect if only_______________?
Asked by Johnny_Rambo | 55 responses