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Britain's general election is now imminent, May 6th I believe.So who do you think will be Obama's next puppy?
Asked by ucme | 37 responses -
Do you think the government is hiding something?
Asked by Frenchfry | 21 responses -
Would a single worldwide currency solve lots of problems? (Details )
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 14 responses -
Can you explain, in simple terms, the judiciary system of Alabama that allows Roy Moore to be removed as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court by the Alabama Court of the Judiciary in 2003, and yet run for, and regain, the Chief Justice position 10 years later in 2012?
Asked by ibstubro | 7 responses -
Will Obamacare still be called that long after he is out of office?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 7 responses -
Is it possible that these individuals and groups have too much power in the US?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff from iPhone | 6 responses -
Why are some states known as commonwealths?
Asked by kelly | 2 responses -
Why not just print more money?
Asked by damien | 13 responses -
How much will gambling be integrated into American society?
Asked by wundayatta | 7 responses -
What are some words that you would never call your governor?
Asked by reijinni | 31 responses -
Can somebdy refuse medical treatment when it comes to a pandemic ?
Asked by Staalesen | 26 responses -
What do you think of the proposed soda tax?
Asked by aidje | 52 responses -
How could you justify having the federal government regulate something that is clearly a state issue?
Asked by redsfan1324 | 37 responses -
Would you be willing to let science or your government have a complete map of your DNA?
Asked by JLeslie | 25 responses -
When can my husband apply for citizenship?
Asked by Supergirl | 8 responses -
Why isn't there an anarchist state somewhere in the world?
Asked by jaketheripper | 17 responses -
Medicare and Mobility chairs. What to do?
Asked by majorrich | 6 responses -
In which states is the burden of proof on the state in civil asset forfeiture cases?
Asked by richardhenry | 7 responses -
Didn't one of the Eastern Seaboard states have a referendum on preferential voting?
Asked by rojo | 4 responses -
Does United States have something like a Notwithstanding Clause?
Asked by flo | 8 responses -
Would the leaders of the world be less argumentative if we brought back 'court jesters'?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 9 responses -
What is the name of the act that the Bush administration passed to grant deceased U.S. soldiers more privacy?
Asked by Plone3000 | 3 responses -
What parallels, if any, can be drawn from Ancient Rome and the current state of the USA?
Asked by RandomMrAdam | 18 responses -
Who's going to play with the T-Rex now then?
Asked by ucme | 13 responses -
What is the shortest/longest normal political or businesses, university, term?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 1 response