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What is the difference between 51%, and 50% plus one?
Asked by flo | 24 responses -
Has any health care executive/minister ever apologized for missing the ball on Covid19?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 7 responses -
How do you feel about the Bush and Obama Administrations having "secret interpretations" of the Patriot Act?
Asked by rojo | 10 responses -
Since the US government blocked the merger of AT&T and Time/Warner couldn't, in this era of corporate personhood, the two companies just get married?
Asked by rojo | 5 responses -
Are you ok with how the stimulus is calculated?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 15 responses -
In the US why doesn't alcohol have nutrition facts printed on the bottle?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 18 responses -
When municipalities have large-scale layoffs, does that impact their bond ratings negatively?
Asked by jca | 3 responses -
Were the smurfs living a form of socialism?
Asked by phoenyx | 11 responses -
Do US Army uniforms have a codpiece?
Asked by deepseas72 | 4 responses -
Does anyone have anything positive to say about America?
Asked by NowWhat | 164 responses -
I am thinking of joining a political party. Which one should I choose?
Asked by AlienBomber | 39 responses -
What is a good book on a real insider's view of D.C. politics esp Senate?
Asked by VisionaryAdvait | 1 response -
How should we regulate business in a globalized capitalistic economy?
Asked by iamthemob | 16 responses -
Conscientious Objector Status?
Asked by blakemasnor | 4 responses -
Do you think that a sitting President effectively firing the CEO of a private company heralds the beginning of a new phase in the government takeover of free enterprise?
Asked by Horus515 | 23 responses -
What are you required to claim on your taxes?
Asked by DylanMueller | 8 responses -
Given the obvious societal division in the US and assuming that we are beyond the point of actual Civil War part Deux, what are the options the country has after this election?
Asked by rojo | 15 responses -
What are the countries included in the big five (UN security council?
Asked by nellt17 | 5 responses -
Your elected officials make a bone-headed decision, what do you do?
Asked by wundayatta | 8 responses -
How could the National Education Association be involved with the Occupy Movements?
Asked by Nathanael | 11 responses -
Would Andrew Carnegie be allowed to amass his fortune and then keep it so he could donate it as HE saw fit in today's social and therefore political climate?
Asked by Crashsequence2012 | 16 responses -
Why do government employees need to file a tax return?
Asked by JOHPET | 11 responses -
What do you think about the Memphis city school situation?
Asked by JLeslie | 25 responses -
Does a whole state have to secede? Or, can a single city do it?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 21 responses -
What would be so bad about the US losing its supremacy in the world?
Asked by SaganRitual | 9 responses