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Do you think it is important to maintain a system of checks and balance in America?
Asked by philosopher | 22 responses -
"Yey France!" What piece of news in the last 2 days or so is causing this response?
Asked by flo | 26 responses -
How can it be that in this, 'The Information Age', 77% of the human population is living in countries with a high or very high overall level of restrictions on religion?
Asked by ibstubro | 23 responses -
Can you help me find this political movie that Rick and I watched just last night, about Guantanamo Bay and the torture of prisoners, spanning the Bush years?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 6 responses -
What are your thoughts on the HR 3200?
Asked by ngelugh | 6 responses -
Uncle Sam prints the money, so how can the US be going broke?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 20 responses -
How can anybody be Anti-Business?
Asked by josie | 17 responses -
How can I make this story more interesting?
Asked by iwannamakemovies | 37 responses -
Do you believe John Titor was from the future?
Asked by essieness | 6 responses -
Why can't Chinese people visit the USA?
Asked by JonnyCeltics | 11 responses -
Why not ban oil? At least in public places?
Asked by josie | 35 responses -
Could we eliminate most, if not all, of this contentiousness if we allowed only single issue legislation?
Asked by rojo | 7 responses -
Is the new FDA ban on Trans Fat in processed foods a long-overdue step or another example of government overreach?
Asked by ibstubro | 23 responses -
Are you aware of the fact that 8 years later, the US is still in a state of emergency?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff | 19 responses -
What is a "Friend of the Court" brief?
Asked by HungryGuy | 5 responses -
Should the government be able to tell us what kind of light bulb we can use?
Asked by oneye1 from iPhone | 24 responses -
Illegal immigrants: what do you think?
Asked by deaddolly | 68 responses -
Do you think the government should be allowed to take back the money?
Asked by Bri_L | 11 responses -
What good is "spreading the wealth around."?
Asked by Elumas | 9 responses -
Why did the Roman Empire fail?
Asked by rhector63 | 21 responses -
Why didn't Congress pass a budget last year?
Asked by MissAusten | 6 responses -
Navigating US Government scientific research?
Asked by wiseacre | 3 responses -
Should the government provide safesex facilities?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 22 responses -
When did the Senate vote for reconciliation?
Asked by Snarp | 12 responses -
What if the government sets everyone's wage?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 6 responses