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By what slight of hand is the government maintaining the fiction that inflation is under control?
Asked by ibstubro | 26 responses -
Do you think of the military as separate from the government?
Asked by JLeslie | 23 responses -
Should the "earmark" process be reformed or possibly banned?
Asked by Strauss | 13 responses -
Should lobbying be banned outright?
Asked by janbb | 31 responses -
Anybody here have experience with the Common Core curriculum?
Asked by LostInParadise | 8 responses -
If it were legal to visit Area 51, would you?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 14 responses -
Do you pay any attention to Monsanto?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 38 responses -
In your opinion, which skills are essential for our presidents/prime ministers/etc.?
Asked by longgone | 21 responses -
Where can I learn how to write brochures for the government and colleges?
Asked by talljasperman | 6 responses -
Is there such a thing as daredevil insurance?
Asked by ibstubro | 10 responses -
How often can you write to, or call, your congressman or senator before you get labeled a crackpot?
Asked by rojo | 12 responses -
Instead of going to university could the goverment make another three years of high school mandatory for students ?
Asked by talljasperman | 13 responses -
If you had to make a decision, would you allow the NSA or many for profit private companies (e.g., Google, ad trackers) to watch all of your activities?
Asked by Naked_Whale_Tamer | 19 responses -
Do the petitions do any good or promote any change?
Asked by SwanSwanHummingbird | 7 responses -
Republicans: what do you think about what Huckabee said recently in a speech about birth control?
Asked by JLeslie | 132 responses -
How does one measure the "size" of government?
Asked by PhiNotPi | 19 responses -
Can you help me estimate what I'd expect for retirement as a guardsman?
Asked by RandomMrdan | 6 responses -
Is wealth a prerequisite to holding an office in the US?
Asked by DWW25921 | 10 responses -
After 50 years, is the War on Poverty a success or failure?
Asked by Strauss | 39 responses -
Who is best qualified to fix the US health care system?
Asked by ETpro | 28 responses -
What is one question that stops conspiracy theorists in their tracks?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 28 responses -
So how many terrorists have the TSA caught so far?
Asked by DWW25921 | 15 responses -
Can NY Mayor De Blasio reduce traffic fatalities with Vision Zero?
Asked by ETpro | 10 responses -
Should local state government (In the US) be able to penalize you for not claiming a tax refund in a timely fashion?
Asked by RandomMrAdam | 47 responses -
Earth is doomed, who will be on the ”Lifesaver ships”?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 57 responses