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Why are there so many murders of women in Juarez, Mexico?
Asked by partyrock | 6 responses -
What is the correct collective noun for this situation?
Asked by rojo | 11 responses -
In an effort to be objective and bipartisan. What are some great things about American republicans (or people that lean to the right)?
Asked by Blackberry | 9 responses -
Do you think some new politicians try to make changes, but are discouraged by the already solidified system?
Asked by Blackberry | 11 responses -
Do you really think society would be better off with no lawyers?
Asked by wundayatta | 23 responses -
How can we compete with China?
Asked by cockswain | 17 responses -
Should all smoking in vehicles be banned across the UK to protect people from second-hand smoke?
Asked by Mat74UK | 70 responses -
After a Fed audit: 16 trillion in secret bailouts? Someone please tell me this is fake.
Asked by Blackberry | 21 responses -
Isn't is ignoramic to be exclusively liberal or conservative?
Asked by ETpro | 128 responses -
Why are some people anti-Federal Reserve?
Asked by cockswain | 203 responses -
O.K., I've been waiting for a year or so expecting a Republican jobs plan as promised by the new Tea Party congress. Where is it, or did I just miss the news?
Asked by Ron_C | 72 responses -
What kind of building do you do your voting in?
Asked by reijinni | 42 responses -
What was the link between Napoleon's career/political life and the French Revolution?
Asked by lawlz | 14 responses -
Do you know that our government says that the average median worth of individuals 65 or older is $170,494.oo? If you are this age, is your net worth that much?
Asked by Linda_Owl | 26 responses -
Did Ronald Reagan really support Apartheid? And if so, why?
Asked by Blackberry | 8 responses -
What are some steps that schools and communities can take to minimize bullying in schools?
Asked by KidCurtis | 9 responses -
Are you sure big government stifles economic growth?
Asked by JLeslie | 16 responses -
Are there any countries where a small, socially and fiscally conservative government is working?
Asked by Blackberry | 13 responses -
What does job creation mean?
Asked by yejepark | 11 responses -
Who decided that age of majority in Canada and America is 18? How can the requirements for whom is an adult be changed?
Asked by talljasperman | 8 responses -
When was the first modern police force created and what did society use before the police force? Will something new replace the modern police force in the next thousand years?
Asked by talljasperman | 5 responses -
Why are so many people reluctant to blame government for their problems?
Asked by saint | 38 responses -
Were The OWS Robberies A Good Model of Efficiency For The Redistribution of Wealth/Assets Without Government Intervention?
Asked by eatrep | 80 responses -
Is it better to amend the Constitution according to Article 5, or just sort of ignore it or interpret it according to temporal whim?
Asked by saint | 4 responses -
Does anyone know where the IRS logo got it's start and why this symbol is used?
Asked by silky1 | 4 responses