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Why invest in gold and silver?
Asked by mrrich724 | 28 responses -
What can you tell me about "The End of America," and the details in the attached video?
Asked by mrrich724 | 10 responses -
Are teachers' unions helpful to US society?
Asked by cockswain | 26 responses -
Why is the Afghan government currently holding peace talks with the Taliban?
Asked by xrawrrr | 22 responses -
How do I legally change my state residency?
Asked by Carly | 7 responses -
What is the difference between the government's leaders?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 2 responses -
What is the purpose of public education?
Asked by LostInParadise | 27 responses -
If you could create your own country, what would it be like?
Asked by KateTheGreat | 8 responses -
Do you think business & corporations nowadays do more harm/bad things than good?
Asked by niki | 14 responses -
Would the world be a better place with half as many people or twice as many?
Asked by 6rant6 | 31 responses -
Can you tell me what is this documentary about development solving conflicts?
Asked by rexpresso | 4 responses -
If in the end Libya is cut in two how much money, years of effort, and nation building is the US committed to in the non-Kaddafi Libya?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 6 responses -
How does the government decide who will be a care provider?
Asked by saintDrew | 10 responses -
Who else is the government trying to kill?
Asked by josie | 44 responses -
What do you feel the role of government should be?
Asked by jerv | 28 responses -
Why doesn't the government treat the controverial issues of homosexuality and abortion with the same set of principles?
Asked by josie | 18 responses -
Why didn't Congress pass a budget last year?
Asked by MissAusten | 6 responses -
How do you feel about refundable tax credits?
Asked by optimisticpessimist | 10 responses -
Should I be insulted by the use of the phrase "Government Shutdown"?
Asked by josie | 12 responses -
How is this goverment shutdown going to effect the average person?
Asked by silky1 | 10 responses -
Did the stimulus spending prevent a depression?
Asked by cockswain | 76 responses -
The Government is on the brink of shutting down. How will that directly affect you?
Asked by Cruiser | 70 responses -
What is a government shutdown?
Asked by SvetlanatheGreat | 29 responses -
Federal regulation, pro or con?
Asked by zenvelo | 14 responses -
If the government shuts down, will other agencies take that in consideration?
Asked by miki | 15 responses