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Why is marijuana such a big deal with law enforcement?
Asked by Tenpinmaster | 57 responses -
Increasingly bureaucratic government?
Asked by CaptainHarley | 9 responses -
Will we ever run out of social security numbers?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 9 responses -
What if we did have smaller government as some Republicans want, what then?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 39 responses -
What is broken in the American economy that if fixed would create jobs?
Asked by Zuma | 40 responses -
What would you cut from the federal budget?
Asked by Michael | 46 responses -
Do you believe in the effectiveness of capital punishment?
Asked by clarice | 77 responses -
The Supreme Court's 5-4 decision last week gave corporations the right to unlimited political spending. What effect do you think this will have on popular democracy in America?
Asked by Espiritus_Corvus | 95 responses -
What do you think of Obama's proposed budget freeze?
Asked by Snarp | 41 responses -
Why are some countries still developing and considered third world?
Asked by tekn0lust | 22 responses -
What actually gives currency value?
Asked by TheBlackRanger | 15 responses -
How is the United States Postal Service going broke when they are government run? I thought the government can't go broke?
Asked by Tenpinmaster | 28 responses -
Has the U.S. become an official corporately owned country?
Asked by Ron_C | 61 responses -
If you cleaved capitalism from democracy what could replace it?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 22 responses -
Is Socialism a good idea?
Asked by w2pow2 | 36 responses -
Did the Democrats squander the best chance to pass health care they will ever see?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 51 responses -
What do you think about states taxing sales instead of incomes?
Asked by Nullo | 24 responses -
If everything you value is put at stake, would you take something like the RFID chip?
Asked by seventeen123 | 40 responses -
How far into Socialism will America go?
Asked by jangles | 41 responses -
If we sell our house in the UK and move to Canada do we pay capital gains tax?
Asked by Kickerk | 3 responses -
Could someone give me a primer on the Military-Industrial complex?
Asked by 12_func_multi_tool | 8 responses -
What would you do if a friend was misusing government assistance?
Asked by Likeradar | 60 responses -
Does anyone know the exact inclusions needed for a 501(c)(3)
Asked by Sonnerr | 2 responses -
Would you support a New World Order?
Asked by Snarp | 54 responses -
Should the federal reserve be audited?
Asked by jangles | 6 responses