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Enlighten me! Do you know something about the world or life that most dont?
Asked by jegonza89 from iPhone | 55 responses -
Why not just print more money?
Asked by damien | 13 responses -
How has the war affected you?
Asked by wrestlemaniac | 16 responses -
Do you believe in UFO's?
Asked by wrestlemaniac | 19 responses -
How are taxes calculated?
Asked by waterskier2007 | 4 responses -
If "Area 51" was real, are we prepared to know the truth?
Asked by Notreallyhere from iPhone | 28 responses -
What's your opinion on Electronic Voting Machines?
Asked by seVen from iPhone | 23 responses -
Did the stimulus checks sending dates get move up sooner or is it a rumor?
Asked by micksarecool from iPhone | 3 responses -
Do you believe that you play a role in the formation and development of your country or in the world?
Asked by DeezerQueue | 7 responses -
Wheres my $600 from bush? I thought today was the day i get it.
Asked by futurelaker88 | 12 responses -
Should the U.S. government give you money to watch television?
Asked by richmarshall | 7 responses -
Economic stimulus rebate?
Asked by ninetails | 20 responses -
If the Government banned a book, wouldn't that abuse Freedom of Press/Speech?
Asked by missunderstood | 11 responses -
What do feel about the government raid on FLDS ranch in Texas?
Asked by trainerboy | 9 responses -
Government secret...
Asked by johnny0313x from iPhone | 10 responses -
What happened to the days when people would protest?
Asked by Adina1968 | 19 responses -
He was the first President of the United States.
Asked by sferik | 14 responses -
Does the President have the power to create federal agencies?
Asked by skwerl88 | 1 response -
Were our country might be headed?
Asked by brice0825 from iPhone | 7 responses -
In an effort to conserve fuel should we lower the speed limit back down to 55 M.P.H. on interstates?
Asked by mcbealer | 18 responses -
Should the government be able to tell us what kind of light bulb we can use?
Asked by oneye1 from iPhone | 24 responses -
What exactly is government cheese? And, where would one purchase or find it?
Asked by ava from iPhone | 14 responses -
What sorts of government were present in Lord of the Flies?
Asked by skwerl88 | 2 responses -
"Not-quite-a-recession-yet" and you
Asked by squirbel from iPhone | 8 responses -
Single-payer systems and homogenous cultures
Asked by squirbel from iPhone | 8 responses