hair style
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Do you know any fun braiding techniques, with instructions?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 8 responses -
What color highlight shoud I dye in my hair?
Asked by Tay122 | 7 responses -
Women's hair back in the 50's, how did they get it to be perfectly coiffed (on their own - not professionally styled)?
Asked by Jude | 33 responses -
Ideas for crazy hair?
Asked by tianalovesyou | 15 responses -
Can you recommend a non-sticky root-lifting spray? (Hair question)
Asked by DarlingRhadamanthus | 5 responses -
Any good, fairly easy hairstyles for long, thick, and wavy hair?
Asked by leopardgecko123 | 7 responses -
How old were you when you starting covering up the grey (hairs)
Asked by Jude | 41 responses -
Are there any affordable alternatives to Brazilian Keratin Treatments?
Asked by ImNotHere | 4 responses -
Ever had a bad haircut? Tell us about your awful experience?
Asked by Jude | 25 responses -
If personal preference were the only factor, how would you wear your hair?
Asked by Jeruba | 28 responses -
What do you know about chemical hair straightening?
Asked by PauloD15 | 13 responses -
What are some cute hairstyles that will cover my ears?
Asked by NostalgicChills | 7 responses -
How to Curl hair?
Asked by nana098 | 8 responses -
Whats an easy way to get thick hair smooth and straight?
Asked by LuvToRite | 2 responses -
How do you and your SO groom each other?
Asked by wundayatta | 17 responses -
What is a fair tip for a haircut?
Asked by lucillelucillelucille | 22 responses -
Where should I get my hair cut in San Francisco?
Asked by lrk | 1 response -
How can I get this kind of haircut?
Asked by smile1 | 7 responses -
What's a good conditioner for curly hair?
Asked by ben | 10 responses -
What scissors to buy for cutting hair?
Asked by Rememberme | 6 responses -
How do you treat your curly hair?
Asked by CherrySempai | 15 responses -
I'm getting my hair cut and colored for the first time in over a year tomorrow. I'm nervous and need some suggestions. Can you find me some hair ideas?
Asked by andreaxjean | 21 responses -
Which beach hair products is the best?
Asked by xTheDreamer | 10 responses -
Can I make my hair thicker?
Asked by xRIPxTHEREVx | 12 responses -
What's the hairstyle name of this kind of bangs?
Asked by xTheDreamer | 8 responses