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In your life, is there anyone whose happiness you work toward?
Asked by longgone | 16 responses -
What song's in your head today?
Asked by ibstubro | 83 responses -
What is "home", to you?
Asked by longgone | 26 responses -
Do you laugh more when with others?
Asked by longgone | 10 responses -
Does your dog enjoy playing in the snow?
Asked by jonsblond | 6 responses -
Advice about how to be happy?
Asked by Bayjo98241 | 15 responses -
What is the easiest part of the Christmas holidays for you? The hardest part?
Asked by marinelife | 21 responses -
Will you tell me something good that happened today -- Part XXII?
Asked by Strauss | 267 responses -
If you try to please everyone, you might as well kiss your ass goodbye. How far do you agree with this statement?
Asked by Khajuria9 | 12 responses -
Why is enthusiasm often perceived as naivety?
Asked by funkdaddy | 10 responses -
What did you look to in life when you felt lost or unsure?
Asked by LDRSHIP | 20 responses -
Is that a white wolf heading to the 10K mansion over there?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 30 responses -
What are some things you appreciate in your life?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 34 responses -
"Great, if you can force yourself to do it" - what's your example?
Asked by longgone | 19 responses -
What has brought you joy today?
Asked by janbb | 346 responses -
To you, what does having a life mean?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 13 responses -
How do you keep your composure and stay happy even though the world falls apart around you?
Asked by pleiades | 6 responses -
How can one have between 55 and 130 million dollars and not find something to be happy about or a distraction to make the misery better?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 20 responses -
Are your joyful activities unavailable to you too?
Asked by Aster | 28 responses -
Do you wish happiness on everyone?
Asked by Mastema | 27 responses -
Are you high today?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 13 responses -
Will you tell me something great that happened today, Part XXI?
Asked by janbb | 400 responses -
What are the different types of happiness?
Asked by LostInParadise | 10 responses -
Would you rather be happy or right?
Asked by Strauss | 33 responses -
Can you guess which musician has entered 10K mansion today?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 37 responses