hard drives
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If you purchased a new hard drive for your laptop, what is the best current way to transfer your old drive, OS, files, etc. to the new drive?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 10 responses -
Why don't computers have B drives?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 11 responses -
Whats the difference if a computer has 2gb mem and a 250 gb hard drive?
Asked by Resistka | 6 responses -
Why is C: still the default drive letter in windows?
Asked by bomyne | 12 responses -
Is there a significant difference between a solid state hard drive and a regular one?
Asked by DominicX | 11 responses -
What is disk defragmentation?
Asked by Rickover | 10 responses -
Can you recommend a good, reliable backup software?
Asked by 2davidc8 | 16 responses -
What do you do for a living & are there any success stories?
Asked by maybe_KB | 22 responses -
Why is Windows telling me two different values for free space?
Asked by robmandu | 6 responses -
Can you please help me fix my computer?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 19 responses -
Is there a way to install a cd rom program from my desktop computer to my laptop computer?
Asked by usaloveorleaveit | 5 responses -
What is the best configuration for data transfer between two external hard drives?
Asked by rovdog | 8 responses -
Do you have experience to share concerning data recovery for your computer?
Asked by Jeruba | 6 responses -
How can I figure out where all my hard drive space is going?
Asked by xxporkxsodaxx | 14 responses -
Is Mozy backup the right solution for me?
Asked by melanie81 | 12 responses -
What should I do with some extra old hard drives?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 5 responses -
I have a new computer, and need to transfer my old hard drive to it - how do I do this?
Asked by Aethelflaed | 12 responses -
Which SATA to USB cable do I get?
Asked by ScottyMcGeester | 8 responses -
What could be eating up so much hard drive space?
Asked by Les | 40 responses -
Does anyone know how I can transfer my files from my iPhone to my Mac?
Asked by rawrgrr | 5 responses -
What's the best way to purge a hard drive of everything except the OS?
Asked by ETpro | 13 responses -
Will this hard drive from my non-unibody Macbook Pro work in my unibody Macbook?
Asked by dozens | 1 response -
What is the fastest possible harddrive I can put in a Macbook Pro?
Asked by vekteur | 6 responses -
What happens in linux when you have more than 26 drives?
Asked by ryanfaerman | 8 responses -
Can I set up RAID Mirroring & Striping on 2 drives by splitting each into 2 partitions?
Asked by ETpro | 8 responses