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Can I take Percocet, Ativan, and Skelaxin together?
Asked by PriceisRightx26 | 23 responses -
Is it your left or right part of your body that is more susceptible to cancer?
Asked by flo | 31 responses -
What should I drink while at work?
Asked by RocketSquid | 21 responses -
Lets say you were my health teacher...
Asked by jamzzy | 23 responses -
How does Echinichea work?
Asked by AndrewParker | 4 responses -
Have you ever tried any detox programs or regimes?
Asked by Oceanflower | 17 responses -
Can you pop garlic pieces like pills?
Asked by WhaleSong | 15 responses -
What is safe enough to not refrigerate after opening, in case of emergency?
Asked by flo | 18 responses -
Why does skin do this?
Asked by GoldenDaysAreBest | 8 responses -
What is the overall outlook for someone who has the HIV virus and now has been diagnosed with terminal cirrhosis of the liver?
Asked by silky1 | 12 responses -
What is going on with this fly bite?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 7 responses -
How can we avoid kidney failure?
Asked by jmarkov2012 | 7 responses -
How does my very dirty neighbor survive his own home?
Asked by Shippy | 9 responses -
Is it really that much better to have bottled (filtered) water after working out than tap?
Asked by jabag11 | 30 responses -
[NSFW] Is there a list of reasons why a virgin had an easy and painless pap smear exam, without bleeding etc.?
Asked by Heather13 | 19 responses -
Tips on gaining weight?
Asked by minniemau5 | 22 responses -
Can a Recovered Addict Handle Happy Hour?
Asked by robaltman | 16 responses -
Why aren't vaccines for all of the herpes viruses available?
Asked by augustlan | 8 responses -
Is it really that unlikely that my eyes have changed in 3 months (details inside)?
Asked by RandomGirl | 21 responses -
Is it true that when an alcoholic stops drinking suddenly that he would get sick?
Asked by talljasperman | 5 responses -
What is the worst disease/disorder you can get?
Asked by johnnymojo | 41 responses -
Do you hear voices or see things that aren't real?
Asked by talljasperman | 17 responses -
Would it be unhealthy to use assistance every day of your life when going to sleep?
Asked by Facade | 18 responses -
Should I get orthotics?
Asked by sfgal | 10 responses -
For personalized help in losing weight & solving health concerns, would I be better off looking for a Nutritionist vs Registered Dietitian?
Asked by BraveWarrior | 7 responses