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Is eating "fat" still considered to be bad for you?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 37 responses -
What is the next step after world peace?
Asked by auhsojsa | 22 responses -
[NSFW] A question for females regards Premarin?
Asked by Shippy | 22 responses -
What do you know about chiropractic services which deals exclusively with the brain-body connection?
Asked by gondwanalon | 8 responses -
Anyone using the drug Orencia by self injection?
Asked by silky1 | 1 response -
I am looking for an alternative to drinking just plain water, any suggestions?
Asked by SamIAm | 63 responses -
Why do some people reply with answers completely written in a teeny weeny font?
Asked by markferg | 22 responses -
Medical marijuana is legal where we live; is it effective at combating insomnia?
Asked by Joe_Freeman | 52 responses -
NSFW Why has my chest size gotten dramatically smaller ?
Asked by EtherRoom | 13 responses -
Which is better for treating facial pimple scars Ayurveda or Allopathy?
Asked by gamefu91 | 3 responses -
Have I the flu?
Asked by sliceswiththings | 6 responses -
What would bother you more: Your 18 yr old kid smokes pot once/month OR watches TV 20 hrs/week?
Asked by Charles | 13 responses -
Might humans need some insect based nutrients in their balanced diet?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 12 responses -
How do you know when a headache is bad enough to go to the hospital?
Asked by Tequila | 15 responses -
Truthfully when in public do you respect having to wear a mask and social distancing?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 27 responses -
Why do some people turn to food when there's a problem going on in their life?
Asked by remambermee | 12 responses -
Would you do more treadmill excercises if your computer with Internet was hooked to it?
Asked by seVen from iPhone | 12 responses -
Can vitamins have any negetive effects on the body?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 15 responses -
Does meditating really help?
Asked by allergictoeverything | 16 responses -
Why is corn the primary ingredient of expensive cat food, whereas beef is the primary ingredient of cat food from the supermarket?
Asked by jca | 11 responses -
Would you buy a house that had powerlines nearby?
Asked by keobooks | 13 responses -
Who or what motivates you to make positive health choices?
Asked by astrojams1 | 17 responses -
Is it possible that running/aerobic exercise can actually cause depression?
Asked by mirifique | 22 responses -
If you jump rope regularly does it get less strenuous?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 14 responses -
Abnormal bleeding after intercourse, is this normal?
Asked by Kokoro | 21 responses