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What is your take on food expiration dates for canned/bottled foods?
Asked by dalepetrie | 23 responses -
Intense Growing Pangs From Cold Feet?
Asked by desiree333 | 56 responses -
Are you in "The Middle Place"?
Asked by bythebay | 9 responses -
Why do I get this specific itch?
Asked by vanguardian from iPhone | 2 responses -
Chronic Cystitis and What to do about it?
Asked by nebule | 11 responses -
I tweaked the muscles in my neck/upper back. Do I apply heat or cold?
Asked by occ | 10 responses -
Is it common knowledge that coffee contains acrylamide?
Asked by flo | 31 responses -
(NSFW) Do any ladies wear a pessary for POP?
Asked by Harper1234 | 3 responses -
Printable Pregnancy Planner/Organizer?
Asked by albert_e | 3 responses -
What can I do to reduce my coughing?
Asked by Vincentt | 20 responses -
Does the temperature of tap water affect fluoride's effectiveness in protecting teeth?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 7 responses -
Will my bloating go down by taking laxatives and water pills?
Asked by trishgirl52 | 5 responses -
Are tampons better than pads? which is better?
Asked by The_Inquisitor | 32 responses -
Are there steps I can take to try and prevent the total loss of voice that I'm fully expecting by morning?
Asked by poofandmook | 9 responses -
Where do you get information about your health or illness?
Asked by Stinley | 14 responses -
Are migraines (without aura) inherently harmful to the body?
Asked by marmoset | 10 responses -
Do all birth control pills lower sex drive?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 12 responses -
According to who is it, that exercising is only good for people who already exercise/move around enough?
Asked by flo | 8 responses -
Treatment for Penile Candida?
Asked by James17555 | 3 responses -
How will a tax on health insurance benefits affect people's behavior?
Asked by wundayatta | 2 responses -
Superficial blood clot, and taking anticoagulants, surgery or not?
Asked by Riparian | 9 responses -
How long does it take 700 mg of caffeine to wear off?
Asked by PauloD15 | 6 responses -
Is it possible to lose weight and still keep my "lady humps" ?
Asked by EtherRoom | 21 responses -
I tend to get pain on the left side of my chest time to time, can you explain what and why this is?
Asked by whitetigress | 16 responses -
What is it that makes popping sounds when you stretch?
Asked by pieceofapuzzle | 6 responses