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Are there any safe home remedies for ear wax build up?
Asked by louise_a45 | 11 responses -
How many calories can you burn from dancing ?
Asked by partyrock | 8 responses -
What can be expected after finding out you have a malignant tumor in your breast?
Asked by jonsblond | 14 responses -
Can anyone recommend a vegetarian diet for gastritis?
Asked by HouseMouse | 15 responses -
What is driving so many to becoming anti vaxxers?
Asked by flo | 64 responses -
What is a normal amount of insulin to be injected for diabetes 2?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 5 responses -
What was the first symptom you noticed when you had Covid?
Asked by jonsblond from iPhone | 15 responses -
I wonder if there will ever be cures for auto-immune conditions?
Asked by Sandydog from iPhone | 12 responses -
How do you combat bad thoughts?
Asked by judochop | 15 responses -
If it's not "real milk," then what is it?
Asked by jordym84 | 19 responses -
Should sushi only be eaten on the day it's made?
Asked by janbb | 15 responses -
Do you consider it acceptable to shower every other day?
Asked by jaketheripper | 68 responses -
How sick can someone get because of stress?
Asked by this_velvet_glove | 10 responses -
Why do I always feel tired?
Asked by leopardgecko123 from iPhone | 14 responses -
How do you all personally cope with the "waiting game" after having important medical tests run?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 30 responses -
What's your best motivational quote for me?
Asked by jazzjeppe | 16 responses -
When did you start wearing glasses and what is your current age and prescription?
Asked by brntholland | 18 responses -
How do you know specific fruits and vegetables are unconsummable?
Asked by Unbroken | 7 responses -
Can you tell me what the adverse effects are that come with drinking a lot of "Monster?"?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 8 responses -
What's worse: Eating when you're not hungry, eating right before sleep, or only eating one meal a day?
Asked by poofandmook | 15 responses -
Do you have any tips to help a night owl become a morning person?
Asked by jonsblond | 8 responses -
What is your the worst hangover scenario?
Asked by samia87 | 11 responses -
How does fiber prevent constipation? (NSFW)
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 9 responses -
If you are experiencing an increase in nightmares will you respond here?
Asked by Jons_Blond from iPhone | 8 responses -
To sanitize or not to sanitize?
Asked by CaseyWVU10 | 27 responses