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If we move and turn side to side a lot of times during sleep, how come we never fall out of bed?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 20 responses -
Can anyone recommend the best foods to buy for student life?
Asked by lsdh182 | 45 responses -
Are cancer rates really on the rise?
Asked by Jabe73 | 16 responses -
What are Fibroid tumors? do they hurt?
Asked by jazmina88 | 4 responses -
Is corn the root of all evil (and yes...this is serious)
Asked by iamthemob | 71 responses -
Bitter metallic taste after eating pine nuts?
Asked by occ | 9 responses -
Are "Body Choice Concentrated Weight Loss Shots" a healthy way of getting protein post workout?
Asked by Evelyn_475 | 3 responses -
Is this food poisoning or stomach flu?
Asked by juniper | 12 responses -
For our medical jellies, should I have any concerns about having only one kidney?
Asked by syz | 9 responses -
Why is Stephen Hawking still alive?
Asked by GeorgeGee | 18 responses -
My toe nail is almost totally loose. When will it fall of?
Asked by rebbel | 18 responses -
Whats it mean when you get a headache almost every single day?
Asked by Mom2BDec2010 | 11 responses -
Can you help me determine approximately how much it would cost per day to eat every single meal at McDonald's?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 31 responses -
I feel like an old gross witch. Why are my fingernails suddenly yellow?
Asked by deni | 14 responses -
Are there any butt enhancement and breast enhancmet pills available in certain stores rather than the internet?
Asked by ladyv900 | 16 responses -
Do you know someone who should be dead but just keeps on ticking?
Asked by ftp901 | 25 responses -
Can you get sick from being a vegetarian?
Asked by jenny5689 | 20 responses -
My dog sometimes comes in from outside and rubs her butt along the carpet, does this mean she has a sore or something?
Asked by cowboyBob64 | 11 responses -
What do you think of factory farms?
Asked by Flavio | 15 responses -
I've been experiencing dizziness, fatigue and little to no appetite for going on 8 weeks now. What could possibly be ailing me?
Asked by drdoombot | 15 responses -
Is popping your knuckles unhealthy?
Asked by Mom2BDec2010 | 12 responses -
I have pink pimples on my back and they turn to light black colour on my skin when they finish , please tell me what is this?
Asked by notorousguy | 3 responses -
What sports can I play with a heart condition?
Asked by ivysaurgoesrawr | 15 responses -
Can you get a urinary tract infection if you don't pee after sex?
Asked by Jude | 23 responses -
What kind of gift should I send to someone who is recovering from brain surgery?
Asked by SheWasAll_ | 15 responses