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Can anyone suggest any good products for dry skin on the face?
Asked by pwincess99 | 16 responses -
What are some medications and their side effects for hypoglycemia?
Asked by MerMaidBlu | 3 responses -
Can I buy sonicare toothbrush tops (heads?) with my HSA account?
Asked by estella123 | 7 responses -
There's a high pitched ringing in my ears at all times... what is it?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 17 responses -
What could cause someone's breathing to be more audible than most people's?
Asked by DominicX | 20 responses -
What if your body couldn't heal from anything, how would your world be different?
Asked by erichw1504 | 41 responses -
Which is better, flossing or mouthwash? Or is a combination best?
Asked by evegrimm | 21 responses -
Why do I lose my hearing?
Asked by sjmc1989 | 8 responses -
What would you do if you found out you were allergic to your spouse?
Asked by SpatzieLover | 34 responses -
What will the blood test I am having show?
Asked by misslealea | 5 responses -
Medical question, can it be bad for females to remain virgin?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 84 responses -
What is causing this pain in my chest?
Asked by PrancingUrchin | 18 responses -
Why have I become so pale recently?
Asked by IHateChunkyPies | 6 responses -
Why do women stay in domestically violent relationships?
Asked by sophie123 | 68 responses -
Why would I feel nauseous when I touch the inside of my belly button?
Asked by DominicX | 19 responses -
What is this weird crackling sound in my ear?
Asked by evegrimm | 15 responses -
Is no-shave november only for guys?
Asked by sevenfourteen | 40 responses -
Why have my contact lenses been bothering me so much lately?
Asked by erichw1504 | 6 responses -
I've had a decent night's sleep the last two nights, but, yesterday and today I'm exhausted. What gives?
Asked by Jude | 20 responses -
Am I going to be okay if I mix these two medicines together?
Asked by HotAsIce911 | 10 responses -
Can someone help me with a networking problem?
Asked by pepp7377 | 6 responses -
What is this strange lump appeared behind my ear overnight?
Asked by eonblue | 12 responses -
Why doesn't healthy = palatable?
Asked by Supacase | 42 responses -
How do you make an effective grocery list?
Asked by ECassandra | 30 responses -
How should i feel?
Asked by phoenixzoom3 | 15 responses