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Are any of you women over 30 very healthy?
Asked by JLeslie | 22 responses -
How exact does nutrition labelling have to be in the United States?
Asked by lefteh | 9 responses -
Do any doctors on here feel like insurance companies cause you to not practice medicine how you ideally want to?
Asked by JLeslie | 10 responses -
Are there any wives' tales that you believe in or that have been proven to you to be true?
Asked by ubersiren | 30 responses -
The product on the grocery shelf is expired, but you really need it. do you buy it and serve it anyway?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 26 responses -
Does anyone have any good tips for keeping energy up?
Asked by drClaw | 17 responses -
What is the best stomach exercise ?
Asked by sweetangel | 10 responses -
Hard ball like thing on the joint of my middle finger?
Asked by jesslc323 | 12 responses -
How long after an abortion do you get your normal period?
Asked by Roughdraft76 | 6 responses -
Have any of you ladies out there ever used a menstrual cup?
Asked by chelseababyy | 42 responses -
Can the people who are against universal healthcare explain to me specifically why they are against it, and what they think is the best solution for health care in America?
Asked by JLeslie | 58 responses -
What activities can increase our IQ and what activities can reduce our IQ?
Asked by Fluther_Mania | 12 responses -
Consequences of eating raw pizza dough?
Asked by StephK | 13 responses -
Seriously though, when are we going to sort this World out and how are We going to do it?
Asked by lloydbird | 30 responses -
Health Insurance recommendations family of two 19yr olds?
Asked by patg7590 | 10 responses -
What is the best type of of cinnamon to use for health benefits - fresh cinnamon or a cinnamon supplement?
Asked by treeb | 8 responses -
Wife just had gall bladder removed. Food suggestions?
Asked by pallen123 | 6 responses -
Why is it impossible to keep your eyes open when you sneeze?
Asked by Ansible1 | 10 responses -
Why are Michael Jacksons kids white?
Asked by evolverevolve | 24 responses -
Best fat loss program?
Asked by tomazizio | 19 responses -
What does it mean if your hands are shaking a lot? (help!)
Asked by fathippo | 14 responses -
If a doctor told you that fluther was bad for you, would you stop?
Asked by wundayatta | 48 responses -
Is there any help available on buying a computer at Mumbai? My Dad wants me to help during my annual visit to him, and I have only 2 weeks?
Asked by imikemcguire | 2 responses -
Which will help me burn more calories: Jump the rope or Running?
Asked by 2late2be | 14 responses -
Why do bruises (black and blue marks) turn yellow?
Asked by JLeslie | 13 responses