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Herpes: a question that may affect the rest of my life...
Asked by alterego | 67 responses -
How long can you go without washing your hair, without your hair getting oily?
Asked by punkrockworld | 37 responses -
What foods are easy to digest?
Asked by curioscamel | 24 responses -
How can I get involved in and give back to my Brooklyn community in some way that involves food but doesn't involve mindlessly scooping mashed potatoes onto a cafeteria tray at a shelter?
Asked by giveitago | 6 responses -
How likely is it to transmit the common cold through sexual intercourse without kissing?
Asked by sfgal | 9 responses -
Is it dangerous to drink too much water?
Asked by 2late2be from iPhone | 14 responses -
Are carbonated beverages really that bad for you?
Asked by mrswho | 15 responses -
Fatigued! How do I stop feeling like this?
Asked by swingliner | 18 responses -
How long does it take you to poop?
Asked by girlofscience | 240 responses -
Why do I get sick every time the weather fluctuates?
Asked by Buckeye | 18 responses -
My 2yr old daughter has some red spots at the back of her tongue, what could it be?
Asked by kullervo | 9 responses -
"Eating lipstick"?
Asked by Triozoo | 11 responses -
I've heard that eating yogurt will get your digestive track back in line, but can someone explain to me?
Asked by evelyns_pet_zebra | 12 responses -
Acne as a result of weight lifting?
Asked by mirifique | 12 responses -
Is it better to work out in the morning or afternoon?
Asked by rzmustang from iPhone | 10 responses -
Should I see a dentist or a doctor?
Asked by augustlan | 33 responses -
How do you work out?
Asked by Milladyret | 26 responses -
Did you ever have an itch you could not scratch enough?
Asked by wundayatta | 26 responses -
Can you smoke after donating blood?
Asked by itsnotmyfault1 | 46 responses -
I may have a slight tear in my hamstring. Where might I go to get it checked?
Asked by Trustinglife | 41 responses -
What is your maximum heart rate?
Asked by robmandu | 3 responses -
What can cause my whole body to ache?
Asked by Allie | 26 responses -
What characteristics have you observed to be correlated with penis size?
Asked by girlofscience | 122 responses -
How awesome is Bill Gates?
Asked by Sakata | 51 responses -
If you won't go for a routine colonoscopy, what other medical tests can you get to see if you're alright in the colon?
Asked by Mr_M | 4 responses