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What do you do when you get confused at nights?
Asked by talljasperman | 21 responses -
Can you help me with my leadership application?
Asked by jabobo_11 | 7 responses -
How to alleviate severe body pain from working 2 jobs to make ends meet?
Asked by imabowie | 9 responses -
Would you keep a friend that continuously gives you empty promises when you're feeling low?
Asked by gypsywench | 11 responses -
How to fix (HTTP 404 Errors)
Asked by Luiveton | 13 responses -
How do I deal with a person who "bullys"?
Asked by Brenna_o | 11 responses -
How do you help a close friend you believe is bulemic?
Asked by greenbrier | 5 responses -
I'm second guessing myself on a close relationship I have, am I gay or bi?
Asked by Vincent_Lloyd | 10 responses -
Need a houseguest out!
Asked by HelpmeGA | 58 responses -
Uninstalling an external hard drive? (details inside)
Asked by shpadoinkle_sue | 11 responses -
How to let go when I can't find something?
Asked by zwingli | 12 responses -
How do I Import/Export XMM Databases in eXtreme Movie Manager to another version?
Asked by Dewey420 | 1 response -
What are some of the best ways to learn a new language?
Asked by amazingme | 17 responses -
Why am I still single?
Asked by christos99 | 43 responses -
What have you done that makes you say, "If I did it, anyone can!"?
Asked by ubersiren | 27 responses -
A friend of mine revealed she is gay, and I want to help her find support sites, any ideas?
Asked by freestyletrue | 10 responses -
Im scared to be by myself, Whats my problem?
Asked by saraSKELLINGTON | 11 responses -
How do we save the world?
Asked by filmfann | 49 responses -
Do you have any advice for an incoming high school freshman?
Asked by Piper | 14 responses -
What is the do-not-miss stuff in Savannah, GA?
Asked by kenmc | 5 responses -
How do you take care of your nails?
Asked by CherrySempai | 6 responses -
Is there anything wrong with being a male cheerleader?
Asked by Piper | 57 responses -
Can I break a rental lease in Virginia after 3 days? My landlord has not cleaned the place I'm moving into.
Asked by MissFairlight | 3 responses -
Where can I find a search box or catergories?
Asked by silvermoon | 6 responses -
How can I relieve a clogged nose?
Asked by truecomedian | 18 responses