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BS or Master's degree?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 13 responses -
[[NSFW]]! Should I feel violated? What should I do?
Asked by Everest | 39 responses -
How do I go about being able to teach English in another country?
Asked by deni | 22 responses -
Biography to qualify for an award - what should I include?
Asked by WhyOhWhy | 5 responses -
Is there an internet tv site where can i stream this tuesdays lost (02/23/10) online live while its debuting?
Asked by raven2783 | 7 responses -
How do I conquer my political phobias and get on with my life?
Asked by ArtiqueFox | 32 responses -
Why do my parents dislike my happiness?
Asked by ShipwrecksInSand | 17 responses -
How to deal with a drunk mother?
Asked by Harrow185 | 19 responses -
What does a face mean? As an omen?
Asked by mbubbles | 17 responses -
This gay guy won't leave me alone. What now?
Asked by Alchemist | 23 responses -
Installing Wireless router?
Asked by anon30 | 20 responses -
Is ANY organization going to move retired shipping containers to Haiti to become repurposed as new homes? When?
Asked by EgaoNoGenki | 15 responses -
I need to relocate my Fluther sticker - help!
Asked by SuperMouse | 22 responses -
What can I do to help my boyfriend overcome his fear of the dentist?
Asked by tragiclikebowie | 24 responses -
So its snowing in Texas, and I'm stuck at my house what do I do?
Asked by Ailia | 30 responses -
Right foot falls asleep when I get out of bed in the morning. Any suggestions on what to do?
Asked by crazyandbeautiful | 8 responses -
Why is my skin so red, and how can I stop it?
Asked by desiree333 | 21 responses -
What are some things to do online with my gf while I'm in Japan?
Asked by nsexton2 | 7 responses -
How do I return my computer to factory blank after I have screwed it up royally?
Asked by JoshLake | 10 responses -
I am working in a day care center that has some kids that give me trouble. how can i get them to cooperate with me?
Asked by trnandbrn | 9 responses -
Best Question of 2010 (so far)?
Asked by Dr_C | 9 responses -
Tumblr: How to change the font size in my title and add an image?
Asked by toknee | 8 responses -
A ball thrown straight up in the air at 70 m/s, how high does the ball go?
Asked by jdogg | 12 responses -
What will happen if I challange the status quo (relationships)
Asked by TrickyZZZZ | 31 responses -
How could I play this game? (see detail)
Asked by La_Perm | 11 responses