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Where can I find a pdf manual for a 1997 Dodge Dakota?
Asked by Ownage | 8 responses -
If you see your college aged kid making some really dumb choices, how long before you interrupt and try to set him straight?
Asked by Tangent_J | 29 responses -
How can I help my boyfriend be less insecure?
Asked by seekingwolf | 35 responses -
Will you please critique the linked photograph?
Asked by kenmc | 37 responses -
What should I do if I'm developing feelings for someone else?
Asked by ronski | 17 responses -
I'm having trouble deciding where to do my daughter's birthday party, do you have any good suggestions?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 24 responses -
What volunteer organizations involving traveling would you suggest for a young woman who recently discovered her calling?
Asked by onesecondregrets | 11 responses -
Any ideas on how to pick a border?
Asked by SuperMouse | 12 responses -
You guys! I have ants in my house, in my pantry, in my sugar and in my food! Do you know how to get rid of them without poisoning myself in the process?
Asked by JellyB | 22 responses -
Do you have any experience/advice about traveling by Greyhound bus?
Asked by kenmc | 29 responses -
Do you, or anyone you know, have a child with ODD? If so, have you found anything that helps?
Asked by hyperlilredhead | 15 responses -
Do you know of a free or inexpensive phonebook program?
Asked by EmpressPixie | 1 response -
How can I keep Gmail from viewing legitimate mail as spam?
Asked by EmpressPixie | 3 responses -
Whats up with my computer?
Asked by sandystrachan | 6 responses -
Could I have a virus on my external hard drive?
Asked by Sakata | 6 responses -
Stretch marks... home remedies or medical solutions?
Asked by Dr_C | 17 responses -
How do you work this video website ?
Asked by sandystrachan | 1 response -
Theres a guy who likes me and my sister in the beginning and now likes me(were twins)help!
Asked by send1234 | 9 responses -
Thigh trimmers, shed excess water temporarily... but is it even helpful at all then?
Asked by The_Inquisitor | 1 response -
What are your opinions on letting a recovering heroin addict get drunk and smoke weed every now and then?
Asked by aneedleinthehayy | 41 responses -
How to regain a diminished social life?.
Asked by LKDemo | 10 responses -
Essay due tomorrow! Is it ok? Q's..Please help. Tense, wording etc...
Asked by kutelilkat | 12 responses -
Any websites that will allow me to download free games to play offline?
Asked by sandystrachan | 4 responses -
Does anyone know how to retrive a lost password?
Asked by sandystrachan | 18 responses -
Why Can't I Uninstal My Anti-Virus Software?
Asked by desiree333 | 9 responses