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How is everyone over 3,000 lurve, and I'm not?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 232 responses -
Could I have some kind of support right now?
Asked by anniereborn | 60 responses -
So. I'm still alive, and would love to try to answer any questions about my absence. If there's anyone,who is curious, about what I have experienced...
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 48 responses -
How can I help my brother?
Asked by raven860 | 19 responses -
Okay, this is embarrassing... but.. would you guys help me write a better personals ad?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 31 responses -
Can I just say how much the jellies have meant to me?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 18 responses -
What's the best piece of advice you've received on Fluther?
Asked by bookish1 | 36 responses -
I just recieved an underage drinking ticket...
Asked by chad | 27 responses -
Can you help me with an urgent family problem?
Asked by Cruiser | 113 responses -
Can you help me come up with a bunch of small, but good deeds?
Asked by longgone | 43 responses -
Is my Lurve stuck?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 11 responses -
I have leukemia for the second time in my life. What should I do?
Asked by krasivaya_luna | 26 responses -
New here...any tips?
Asked by LovinglyMiscontrued | 89 responses -
Do you have anything to cheer me up a bit?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 40 responses -
Could u help me (I feel sick in my mind)?
Asked by Yourusername | 13 responses -
I am bipolar, and currently I have no support?
Asked by Shippy | 36 responses -
How do you reinvent yourself?
Asked by nebule | 27 responses -
My cat was hit by a car today and I'm truely devistated. What should I do?
Asked by 15barcam | 13 responses -
Can you help me deal with (most likely) putting my cat to sleep?
Asked by deni | 33 responses -
Have you been to Tidepool Fluther Help and would you use it if a mod hung out there?
Asked by Dog | 12 responses -
Do you know how to help if you suspect someone is thinking of suicide?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 8 responses -
Is ANY organization going to move retired shipping containers to Haiti to become repurposed as new homes? When?
Asked by EgaoNoGenki | 15 responses -
How do you show kindness?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 24 responses -
Why do you answer a question without reading the details and responses from the OP?
Asked by prettypenny | 172 responses -
Has anyone else lost lurve?
Asked by snowberry | 73 responses