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Okay, I'm seriously bored. What to do?
Asked by MilkyWay | 44 responses -
How do I prepare myself emotionally for something I really don't want to do?
Asked by SergeantQueen | 9 responses -
How has social media helped your business?
Asked by kthompson6608 | 6 responses -
How do you fall asleep on a plane? Additional questions inside.
Asked by jlm11f | 42 responses -
Musicians : How can I play a 3-staff music sheet on a piano?
Asked by silverangel | 8 responses -
Should I apologize to this certain guy?
Asked by Lois0987 | 8 responses -
Do you have strategies that help you manage stress?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 31 responses -
Where can I find a free image hosting site that's uncensored?
Asked by Berserker | 10 responses -
Do you ever post a question, even though you know the answer to it?
Asked by sarapnsc | 23 responses -
Is there Fluther etiquette on when to respond to Questions?
Asked by captaindh00m | 9 responses -
I swallowed some plastic, urrrrm what should I do?
Asked by Zandriya | 12 responses -
What is the most effective cough medicine or remedy you have come across?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 24 responses -
How could a strange toolbar suddenly pop out in my window?
Asked by Your_Majesty | 11 responses -
How to handle this situation? Is it time?
Asked by MilkyWay | 10 responses -
What is something you're really good at?
Asked by mhd14 | 23 responses -
Can you help spread the word about the Rohingya crisis?
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 5 responses -
I think my mom is an alcoholic. What do I do now?
Asked by hellolulu | 28 responses -
How can I have my girlfriend stop this habit? (detail inside)
Asked by Vincent_Lloyd | 33 responses -
Relationship crossroads question. Help me think this through?
Asked by serenade | 15 responses -
The guy I like is with another girl. Should I stay away from him?
Asked by 15barcam | 13 responses -
(NSFW) How can I tell if I have genital warts?
Asked by pshizzle | 14 responses -
If you could create a new Q & A app, what features would be essential to you? What makes it answering here so special?
Asked by JellyFishResearcher | 14 responses -
How can I reply to someone's answer?
Asked by daelynn from iPhone | 3 responses -
What are my rights as a mother?
Asked by Brenna_o from iPhone | 8 responses -
How can I automate this process (details inside)
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 5 responses