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Is prostitution around a lot?
Asked by adri027 from iPhone | 34 responses -
How can I "stop following" multiple questions at once in Fluther?
Asked by pekenoe | 6 responses -
I got fired from my job, but they had me come in one last day. What is something funny or mischievous I can do so they wont forget me?
Asked by iceblu | 22 responses -
How will Continental's possible merge with United Airlines, affect airline fare?
Asked by Ume | 7 responses -
What are ways to keep the mind focused?
Asked by todeshaschen from IM | 8 responses -
Advice for a new driver who is getting her first lesson tomorrow?
Asked by NostalgicChills | 16 responses -
URGENT My guy friend asked if I wanted to hang out...
Asked by likipie | 22 responses -
Song ideas?
Asked by Jymeow | 9 responses -
If my mom gets naturalized do I do too, even if im not living with her?
Asked by thatonedude | 6 responses -
What would be the best way to do dishes in a bathroom?
Asked by tinyfaery | 19 responses -
What are your travel tips?
Asked by jca2 | 12 responses -
Do I have ink poisoning?
Asked by sick_nd_twisted | 8 responses -
On Morals and Voting?
Asked by shockvalue | 38 responses -
Suggestion/advice for sleepover?
Asked by nocountry2 from iPhone | 24 responses -
Some suggestions please; relationship trouble, boyfriend drama, need advice. should we try again or call it quits? Attraction, affection issues?
Asked by kutelilkat | 65 responses -
How can I prove my doctors wrong?
Asked by Shield_of_Achilles | 15 responses -
Where could I find Drivers for my Nobilis Laptop?
Asked by Resistka | 6 responses -
Guy problems!!!!!!!! HELP
Asked by kendra08 | 31 responses -
What do you do when you feel so sick you can't really concentrate let alone sleep?
Asked by shrubbery | 28 responses -
How do I look at my answers that I have given people?
Asked by chelle21689 | 7 responses -
What should I purchase on for a max of $100?
Asked by MetroGnome217 | 22 responses -
Simplest way to network my apt...?
Asked by InspecterJones | 22 responses -
How do I make this?
Asked by AlyxCaitlin | 4 responses -
Are there any ideas on how scene hair looks from behind, and how I should buy everything?
Asked by Luiveton | 19 responses -
How do you heal a broken heart?
Asked by JONESGH from iPhone | 20 responses