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Can I get some advice on a situation with a staff member?
Asked by cooldude16 | 2 responses -
Set boundaries in Flash As2?
Asked by Kameron | 2 responses -
How to create a poll in a SMF forum where mulitple votes are allowed for the same answer?
Asked by Dog | 6 responses -
How should I tell this to my friend and how do I hide it from my other school friends?
Asked by Vincent_Lloyd | 10 responses -
How do I make a website similar to
Asked by ro_bot | 3 responses -
Forgive me, how do I save my power point presentation to a flash drive?
Asked by awomanscorned | 8 responses -
Whats a good electric shaver to use on my scalp?
Asked by Moegitto | 7 responses -
Does anyone know how to work the geometric morphometrics software: morphoJ?
Asked by bongo | 0 responses -
Anyone know where I can find Khmer, Malayalam, and other foreign fonts (and IPA characters)?
Asked by DominicX | 6 responses -
How do I open panels on Adobe Illustrator?
Asked by toomuchcoffee911 | 8 responses -
Will Apple replace my iPod Touch without a warranty?
Asked by WorryGem | 8 responses -
What mac should i buy?
Asked by aligator | 10 responses -
Why can't I get java to download?
Asked by ShanEnri | 7 responses -
Does anyone know of a 10 line poem my friend could use for her class?
Asked by Ailia | 12 responses -
Invoice – to pay or not to pay?
Asked by AllyMay | 14 responses -
I am 23 and was diagnosed with dry eye?
Asked by missjena from iPhone | 9 responses -
Internet connected, but only google works.
Asked by Grim | 16 responses -
Help! My kids threw away my instructions for wine making and I need to know what the next step is?
Asked by tranquilsea | 12 responses -
What is a Didacticism and how do I use it?
Asked by MetroGnome217 | 6 responses -
Where can I watch the 'Human Centipede' movie online for free?
Asked by LaPallasa | 14 responses -
How do I go about getting help for my depression?
Asked by podwarp | 11 responses -
I really need help to connect my camera to my computer?
Asked by Shippy | 7 responses -
Where can I get a loan without opening an account?
Asked by Kairi | 20 responses -
Geometry question...
Asked by Melody12234 from iPhone | 5 responses -
I need advice on how to help my gf with emotional stress from abortion.
Asked by earthquake | 12 responses