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There's an animal in my room. What should I do?
Asked by elijah from iPhone | 13 responses -
Car problem: Brake light staying on after I turn the car and lights off?
Asked by Lothloriengaladriel | 9 responses -
Is it possible to live in the world that John Lennon “Imagined”?
Asked by GAMBIT | 15 responses -
What would you do if you saw a person on the street with a sign that said "Hungry, no work, please help!"?
Asked by spresto | 31 responses -
How much is the jaguar XJ40 worth in australia?
Asked by ctimm15 | 5 responses -
Can I capture data with a sound card?
Asked by FukYou | 8 responses -
Why am i always troubled with headaches?
Asked by The_Inquisitor | 8 responses -
What are some volunteer jobs that an 11 year old can do?
Asked by mbubbles | 12 responses -
Where can I find volunteer opportunities in Bhutan?
Asked by SebK | 9 responses -
I'm getting two bunnies soon. Any Help?
Asked by mbubbles | 30 responses -
How can I make myself eat more?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 35 responses -
If you need to ask a stranger for help, how do you choose which one to ask?
Asked by phoenyx | 24 responses -
How can we import MP3s to a Samsung MP3 player?
Asked by smath | 7 responses -
Has anyone ever done a craft/hobby you did years ago and would like to start again but can't get the supplies to do the particular 'craft/hobby'? What would/did you do?
Asked by lollipop | 8 responses -
What are some ways of reaching people who are in career transition?
Asked by Trustinglife | 4 responses -
I need advice on how to help my gf with emotional stress from abortion.
Asked by earthquake | 12 responses -
What's the best thing a sibling or a friend ever did for you?
Asked by wundayatta | 29 responses -
I need some serious computer help, my laptop keyboard is tits-up and even a USB keyboard won't work...any ideas?
Asked by FGS | 5 responses -
What do I do with my love.
Asked by raptorum from iPhone | 26 responses -
I see fluther as a place to have questions answered by the human collective. Why does everyone's insecurities come out?
Asked by CMaz | 45 responses -
If i want to apply for a job, should i state that it's seasonal?
Asked by The_Inquisitor | 6 responses -
Where do I begin a soulsearch of myself?
Asked by blastfamy | 13 responses -
Can someone give me a link to the website where i can activate my mcdonald's Madagascar toy?
Asked by jca | 3 responses -
Do you have any ideas for a 15th birthday party?
Asked by augustlan | 31 responses -
App development app?
Asked by Fred931 from iPhone | 9 responses