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How historically accurate is the TV show "The Tudors"?
Asked by photographcrash | 6 responses -
I want to know how many 1957 Chevys are still registered in the USA. How do I find out?
Asked by truemanbruce | 3 responses -
I'm just stunned, is this a good idea?
Asked by galileogirl | 27 responses -
Can you help me find information about the Master's and Servant's Acts in Australia's History?
Asked by Anonymoususer | 2 responses -
Would you clharecterize the post-civil war industrial leaders as "robber barons" or "industrial statesmen"? Why?
Asked by mirza | 5 responses -
what was The Proprietor, which published books, maps, etc in New England in the early 1800's?
Asked by deepseas72 from iPhone | 1 response -
How does someone become a greek god, in other words, how did Zeus or Athena become a god or get the title "greek god"?
Asked by Cooldil17 | 8 responses -
Were nazis subject to cannibalism?
Asked by gatablanca | 10 responses -
What was Mexico's action towards dismantling the refuse of the Cold War?
Asked by invic | 1 response -
Did people celebrate the turn of the year 1000?
Asked by lozza from iPhone | 6 responses -
Has there ever been a president that HASN'T raised the deficit? If so, who was it and how was it done (if you know)?
Asked by jennincincy | 18 responses -
If Peter was the rock upon which the Church was built, why does the New Testament contain more correspondence written by and about Paul than Peter?
Asked by prolificus | 23 responses -
Who was the the industralist found buried on the Woolworth Building site in NY?
Asked by silky1 | 2 responses -
When and why was .45ACP ammo created?
Asked by SpTaAiYd | 1 response -
Please find me a non-D&D explanation of the plane Concordant Opposition?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 3 responses -
Were birth and census records kept in African countries historically?
Asked by JLeslie | 8 responses -
"The study of History is about critical thinking, not facts." Thoughts?
Asked by Nullo | 26 responses -
How far back have you traced your family tree?
Asked by gooch from iPhone | 13 responses -
What happened to the mayans?
Asked by wrestlemaniac | 6 responses -
Was Jesus white?
Asked by WakeUp | 30 responses -
How would you characterize the difference in people's approach to sex now compared to the 70s and 80s? Why?
Asked by wundayatta | 15 responses -
What's the biggest genocide in history?
Asked by w2pow2 | 42 responses -
What question has the most responses on fluther?
Asked by mowens | 8 responses -
What are sone examples of localized conflicts in Mexican history?
Asked by Brian_Ghilliotti | 4 responses -
What day was crime rate the lowest worldwide in the past hundred years?
Asked by talljasperman | 6 responses