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How would colonists be affected if France won the French and Indian War?
Asked by comicalmayhem | 7 responses -
Why do some non-theists and theists alike believe the opposite of god (s) is science?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 57 responses -
What were murder trials like in colonial America, early 18th c?
Asked by unused_bagels | 9 responses -
Do you agree with the statement: "the biggest fuss in the making of man's history is the notion that war are fought to save civilization"?
Asked by Hibernate | 10 responses -
Aliens present us a time machine that will only make one three day round trip: Where do we go?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 22 responses -
Why is it that (many) women hold grudges and get jealous so quickly?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 48 responses -
How did women deal with menstruation in early history?
Asked by sweetsweetstephy | 33 responses -
Why was Queen Victoria so against giving rights to women?
Asked by Aethelflaed | 24 responses -
Should America have made more of a deal about the World Trade Center attack in 1993?
Asked by JLeslie | 11 responses -
Are there any works of Sigmund Freud that are not followed/believed today in Psychology?
Asked by kittykat219 | 15 responses -
If you went through your family tree, who would did you find most fascinating?
Asked by BeccaBoo | 18 responses -
If you could read one biography, autobiography or memoir from a person who is deceased, and one from a person currently living, which two (one from each category) would you read and why?
Asked by jca | 15 responses -
What do you think about graffiti/bombing/tagging or whatever you know it as?
Asked by boxer3 | 31 responses -
What's this year's maximum temperature difference where you live?
Asked by robmandu | 21 responses -
Conservative or Progressive Values, which one really makes America great?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 28 responses -
Do 9/11 memorials further the terrorists' cause?
Asked by wundayatta | 15 responses -
Why do we credit Christopher Columbus with the discovery of the Americas instead of Leif Ericson?
Asked by sweetsweetstephy | 34 responses -
Do you think one day eating meat will be viewed upon as barbaric and primitive?
Asked by RareDenver | 77 responses -
What are some interesting conflicts in american history?
Asked by lanahopple | 8 responses -
How old is the idea of equality before the law?
Asked by LostInParadise | 11 responses -
What exactly is kept at the US Library of Congress?
Asked by silky1 | 6 responses -
What is another word for totalitarianism?
Asked by Boogabooga1 | 12 responses -
What way are you carbon dated, a Baby Boomer, Pepsi generation, or Gen X?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 23 responses -
What are some memorable true headlines that you've read?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 6 responses -
What is the biggest secret you ever uncovered? What secret of yours has been discovered?
Asked by wundayatta | 19 responses