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What do you think president Truman would say about the current state of Japan?
Asked by edimarco93 from iPhone | 15 responses -
Where would you recommend to go on vacation? (Please read the details.)
Asked by Pied_Pfeffer | 33 responses -
Jesus was Jewish before he had dialogue with his father God, What religion was Mohammed?
Asked by SeaTurtle | 43 responses -
If I could, I would bring back ...
Asked by erichw1504 | 72 responses -
Outside of academia, are there any jobs for historians?
Asked by MyNewtBoobs | 16 responses -
Where were you when President Reagan was shot?
Asked by answerjill | 35 responses -
Can you tell me some really good and comprehensive general history sites?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 8 responses -
Is there a good history book for a 5 year old child?
Asked by Supacase | 14 responses -
Have you ever sucked on a sapsicle?
Asked by wilma | 7 responses -
In Stephen Hawking's book "The Grand Design" he states that "Pythagoras probably did not discover this - he also did not discover the theorem that bears his name" ... if not Pythagoras then who?
Asked by talljasperman | 12 responses -
Is there a term to describe this typographic quality of early Roman writing?
Asked by ParaParaYukiko | 6 responses -
Great women that inspire you?
Asked by everephebe | 35 responses -
Did the glaciers really form The Great Lakes?
Asked by john65pennington | 15 responses -
You are the age you are now, but the year is 1911. What is your occupation?
Asked by jonsblond | 95 responses -
Was Thomas Malthus a social-Darwinist?
Asked by edimarco93 | 7 responses -
Mock slave auction to teach elementary students about slavery - yea or nay?
Asked by Frankie | 20 responses -
Shouldn't we be making mummies of the dead?
Asked by josie | 10 responses -
To what degree was Elvis' popularity a result of his action as a catalyst that brought white people into the Gospel/R&B music fold?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 10 responses -
How is it that so many Jews ended up in the forests of central Europe?
Asked by Odysseus | 9 responses -
Why is the Bill of Rights seperate from the Constitution?
Asked by troubleinharlem from iPhone | 5 responses -
What did they use as a buffer for docking boats before there were tires?
Asked by dalepetrie | 7 responses -
Why did Europe develop industrial capitalism before the Far East did?
Asked by TexasDude | 44 responses -
What would you do if you found out that someone you know used to be a Nazi?
Asked by coffeenut | 21 responses -
Was there ever a medical school that taught pregnancy as a 'disease'?
Asked by flo | 13 responses -
Was Anne Boleyn also executed for being a witch?
Asked by ToriiRawrr | 7 responses