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Are routine dentist visits a hustle?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 40 responses -
What are some functional responses to my concerns? (Or how do I learn to stop worrying and love the bomb?) Or maybe this is a question about vocation.
Asked by kevbo | 28 responses -
Can we list 1000 modes of communication?
Asked by astrojams1 | 100 responses -
Is your heritage important to you?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 57 responses -
What is the story of the seven arch angels?
Asked by f4a | 9 responses -
Shouldn't Native Americans be in every Memorial Day parade since America was their country first?
Asked by BabylonFree | 13 responses -
How is mythology similar?
Asked by deadleaf | 13 responses -
If you met someone from around 1850, what would you show them?
Asked by Lost_World | 26 responses -
What are modern-day definitions of ladies and gentlemen?
Asked by prolificus | 32 responses -
Truth or fiction: An apocryphal[maybe] tale told by an historian.
Asked by anartist | 12 responses -
Why is a knowledge of history associated with intelligence?
Asked by Slide20xl | 34 responses -
After the Berlin conference, how did King Leopold gain territory in The Congo?
Asked by lanahopple | 4 responses -
3 Week tour of 'Eastern Europe' where would you start?
Asked by OreetCocker | 15 responses -
Should Holocaust Denial be decriminalised across the 14 countries where it still remains illegal?
Asked by beautifulbobby193 | 31 responses -
What was the Congo like before colonization?
Asked by lanahopple | 7 responses -
How many know what this day means for Norway ?
Asked by Staalesen | 6 responses -
How natural is it to think of thought as originating inside our heads?
Asked by LostInParadise | 14 responses -
How hard was the AP World History exam?
Asked by Finley | 15 responses -
Within the context of Christianity and biblical literature, using pure speculation, how do you think all things related to religion, history, and modern-day life would have played out if Eve was created before Adam?
Asked by prolificus | 14 responses -
What do you call an african (to be politically incorrect; a black person) who is born in china?
Asked by Cooldil17 | 29 responses -
Should I acknowledge my half sister?
Asked by syz | 44 responses -
Who's a famous historical figure that nobody's made a movie about yet, but should?
Asked by Berserker | 54 responses -
Besides the inability to produce sperm, is there anything women cannot do, let alone do as well if not better than men?
Asked by prolificus | 159 responses -
Do Libertarians know History?
Asked by Rsam | 12 responses -
How does Japan's emperial past influence it today?
Asked by DoctorWho | 3 responses