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Do you believe the current Presidential candidates are running because they: 1) Have something important they wish to do as President; 2) Just want to be President for the power, because they feel it is their destiny, etc.; or 3) Just happened to end up in this place at this time, or think now is their big chance because of an otherwise weak field?
Asked by hossman | 5 responses -
Why do U.S. protectorates (like Puerto Rico) vote in Presidential Elections?
Asked by ketoneus | 19 responses -
How did they teach in the one-room school house?
Asked by rowenaz | 9 responses -
How many soldiers were in a typical "Roman legion"?
Asked by osakarob | 1 response -
Thoughts On Che Guevara: good or bad?
Asked by mirza | 26 responses -
Does anyone remember this famous John Steinbeck quote?
Asked by mirza | 11 responses -
What is the name of the film or cinema-plex or what-have-you that had very large and spectacular footage of the US countryside (like the Grand Canyon etc) relatively early in film history?
Asked by LauratheRockStar | 6 responses -
who was the 4th president of the 20th century?
Asked by turbojsw | 6 responses -
Do you have unanswered questions for the deceased?
Asked by joli | 7 responses -
Do people still buy swamp coolers for their houses, or are they in the dustbin of hvac now?
Asked by k2times from iPhone | 5 responses -
During what time in history did the country of Prussia exist?
Asked by peggylou | 2 responses -
What is the name of the book that answers allegations by Holocaust deniers, and what is the author's name?
Asked by taxlover | 1 response -
What do you think about the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission?
Asked by schoollp | 4 responses -
Was Saint Valentine a real historical person?
Asked by thesecondmoon | 2 responses -
When did the general public start using cell phones?
Asked by lilakess | 15 responses -
What is that thing called that they used to carry kings and nobility in?
Asked by mdlukas | 10 responses -
What's the most interesting book on the history of the computer industry?
Asked by justin | 8 responses -
What are the 13 most important events/people in American history between 1800-1850?
Asked by Ricabella | 5 responses