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What are your best studying tips?
Asked by nikipedia | 19 responses -
I need help with quantitative methods?
Asked by afghanmoose | 3 responses -
Holocaust help?
Asked by Ncshawty | 13 responses -
Do teachers have a "pass quota"?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 12 responses -
Anybody know any good online translators?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 10 responses -
Why do some people here get snippy when they think someone is getting homework help?
Asked by wundayatta | 14 responses -
How do I kill my neighbors bamboo roots?
Asked by mgandal | 14 responses -
Best way to memorize graphs of circular functions? ex. sin?
Asked by shared3 | 3 responses -
How fast can you react?
Asked by Merty | 13 responses -
What is the relationship between catalysts and the collision theory of reactions?
Asked by shared3 | 9 responses -
Why does hydrogen peroxide decompose so quickly when applied to a cut?
Asked by shared3 | 5 responses -
Why doesn't hydrogen peroxide feel warm when it is put on a cut?
Asked by shared3 | 12 responses -
Why don't refrigerated foods spoil as quickly as food at room temp?
Asked by shared3 | 6 responses -
what precentage of electricity in Arizona comes from Hydroelectric power soures?
Asked by adammax263 | 3 responses -
Why should I hate Gulliver's Travels?
Asked by skwerl88 | 7 responses -
Calculus homework help!!!
Asked by luv2mahsky | 6 responses