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NSFW: Ladies- Are you at least somewhat sexually attracted to women?
Asked by Facade | 70 responses -
I asked my cousin if he was gay today. It didn't go well. What should I do now?
Asked by ubersiren | 80 responses -
If you are gay, how and when did you know you were gay?
Asked by pitchtheview | 11 responses -
Why does it seem that society seems to turn a blind eye on lesbianism but turns a baneful eye on homosexuality? -- Especially when porn is considered --?
Asked by Kraken | 65 responses -
How likely is it that the legistation proposed by the Texas GOP Platform would actually be passed?
Asked by stemnyjones | 9 responses -
What are communist views on homosexuality?
Asked by Rage from iPhone | 21 responses -
Does anyone know of any religions that are not against homosexuality?
Asked by DominicX | 68 responses -
For those who are either LGBT or Q or (XYZ), how did you experience and handle grief and loss associated with the coming-out process?
Asked by prolificus | 9 responses -
How would you describe a healthy lesbian?
Asked by prolificus | 80 responses -
What's the connection some individuals make between same-sex relationships and incestuous relationships?
Asked by prolificus | 38 responses -
Why does the use of the word "fag" by gay people seem to not bother other gay people?
Asked by poofandmook | 46 responses -
Where does the idea that homosexuality or any sexuality for that matter is a lifestyle come from?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 129 responses -
What is your opinion on gay rights?
Asked by yoshiboshi | 130 responses -
Is it true homosexual men can't donate blood?
Asked by shimizu1006 from iPhone | 40 responses -
Are you ashamed of your demographic?
Asked by mowens | 88 responses -
Why should it matter if homosexuality is biological?
Asked by Rsam | 248 responses -
How would you feel/react if a family member/friend "came out" to you?
Asked by j0ey | 56 responses -
If homosexuality is mostly genetic, why don't we see it in nature among any other species?
Asked by silverfly | 75 responses -
NSFW: Are Homosexuals turned on by their own genitals?
Asked by Arp | 45 responses -
Do you know anyone who has been "in the closet" for so long that they are unable to "come out" to even themselves?
Asked by jealoustome | 15 responses -
For public schools, if it was federally or state-mandated that the instruction of human sexuality included a unit on homosexuality and various other gender/sexual identities/expressions, what information would you want included and/or excluded?
Asked by prolificus from iPhone | 38 responses -
Should Bigots be allowed to run schools? Lesbians at Prom?
Asked by Shae | 100 responses -
Can men contract Syphilis from other men?
Asked by mammal | 16 responses -
What do you think of the term "straight acting" in reference to a gay person?
Asked by DominicX | 20 responses -
How can an average gay man find love?
Asked by tytyslim | 12 responses