human behavior
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How to define a life ?
Asked by Hibernate | 18 responses -
Is pornography inherently immoral?
Asked by delirium | 68 responses -
What or who do you wait for, anxiously?
Asked by wundayatta | 30 responses -
The way your kids act is a reflection or your parenting: True or False?
Asked by whitecarnations | 28 responses -
Do you ever get worried about living alone?
Asked by burntbonez | 44 responses -
How do you imagine Fluther without lurve and prizes?
Asked by Christian95 | 69 responses -
Can you provide an example of how relaxed you've been about dirt and germs?
Asked by wundayatta | 40 responses -
What is your reaction to, "Honey, we need to talk?"?
Asked by wundayatta | 31 responses -
Politics/Economics: How would you know if you were wrong?
Asked by laureth | 26 responses -
Do people need adversity?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 27 responses -
What's the most self-destructive thing you've done?
Asked by wundayatta | 40 responses -
How are your Christmas experiences?
Asked by Christian95 | 23 responses -
How often do you curse ?
Asked by Hibernate | 49 responses -
How do you handle failure?
Asked by cak | 39 responses -
Do you ever experience an unexpected surge of joy?
Asked by windex | 17 responses -
If you were about to be reincarnated and could either pick your gender, time of existence or place of birth, the other two would be determined by some higher power, which would you choose and why?
Asked by rojo | 34 responses -
If you were to give into your naughty impulses, what would you do?
Asked by wundayatta | 30 responses -
Why do some people use offensive words, even after they know they are offensive?
Asked by anonymom | 71 responses -
Die unexpectedly or expect to die soon. Which would you prefer if you had the option?
Asked by rojo | 25 responses -
How much does the other person's reported reality matter to you?
Asked by wundayatta | 35 responses -
Why do people want privacy?
Asked by wundayatta | 37 responses -
Any good counters to this "joke"?
Asked by longgone | 24 responses -
What is the first thing you do after coming home from work/school?
Asked by MilkyWay | 38 responses -
How would it affect society if having multiple relationships was acceptable?
Asked by wundayatta | 27 responses -
Helping hand or handout?
Asked by wundayatta | 63 responses