human behavior
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Why does this bother me? Details inside?
Asked by rojo | 12 responses -
"I know you didn't really want me in the first place" How do you answer this?
Asked by rojo | 23 responses -
To you, what does having a life mean?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 13 responses -
If you can have the power to kill by thought, would you take it?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 24 responses -
Do you have any habits that seem perfectly normal and practical to you, but cause your friends to tease you?
Asked by ibstubro | 19 responses -
What kind of "Grave Goods" will future anthropologists/archeologists find in our present day cemeteries?
Asked by rojo | 14 responses -
Would you, or have you, paid $200.00 for a pair of jeans?
Asked by rojo | 31 responses -
Does OCD ever leave?
Asked by bluish | 14 responses -
What is pot selling for on the streets in Colorado?
Asked by rojo | 24 responses -
What is that one small thing that your significant other does, something that should be so insignificant at to not matter, that really irritates you?
Asked by rojo | 26 responses -
Would civilization benefit if we did not allow economic factors to override ethical ones?
Asked by rojo | 7 responses -
Fight or Flight: Which is the go-to response for Homo Sapiens?
Asked by rojo | 11 responses -
Which would you prefer; to be an active player on the losing team in the game or a reservist with no playing time on the winning side?
Asked by rojo | 7 responses -
You have control of the global internet for a day, what will you do?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 24 responses -
What are your thoughts on the concept of "Schrödinger's Rapist"?
Asked by rojo | 44 responses -
What are the most random and the most controlled things you do?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 12 responses -
How will you react when someone tells you that the world is going to end before November?
Asked by antimatter | 50 responses -
How would you prepare for some kind of apocalypse?
Asked by antimatter | 17 responses -
If you inadvertently discovered the key to immortality, what would you do?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 19 responses -
How do you feel about Dustin Hoffman's realization regarding his character in the film, Tootsie?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 7 responses -
What's the best way to handle this awkward human/dog situation?
Asked by thorninmud | 29 responses -
Runners, joggers, walkers, when do you look?
Asked by rojo | 12 responses -
Did I take this buyer's last message the wrong way?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 10 responses -
Do you still have dreams of past lovers?
Asked by pensiveThoughts | 21 responses -
Do you check out other people's grocery carts?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 29 responses