human nature
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It's results day tomorrow, and I'm feeling increasingly nervous. Any comforting words?
Asked by MilkyWay | 48 responses -
What is that one thing you would hate to die still wondering about?
Asked by rojo | 35 responses -
What are your thoughts on the concept of "Schrödinger's Rapist"?
Asked by rojo | 44 responses -
( NSFW ) If you grew up in a fictional world where there was no opposite sex, what would you say if you meet one for the first time?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 23 responses -
Which is your favourite Shakespearean play, and why?
Asked by MilkyWay | 55 responses -
Whatever happened to the Children of the Woodstock Nation?
Asked by rojo | 21 responses -
If you could choose a different race than what you are which would you choose to be?
Asked by auhsojsa | 35 responses -
Who would you want to be for a day?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 34 responses -
Have you ever "stirred the hornet's nest"?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 26 responses -
What would your superpower be?
Asked by MilkyWay | 29 responses -
“If humans lived eternally, therefore without the most fundamental fear (and of course, without evolution), do you think that faith/belief/religion would still exist?”?
Asked by charis23 | 20 responses -
Do you have someone who is passive aggressive in your life?
Asked by JustPlainBarb | 38 responses -
What possession of yours are you most proud of?
Asked by MilkyWay | 46 responses -
Given the current state of affairs regarding corporate personhood, how long will it be before we find a corporation using the insanity defense?
Asked by rojo | 7 responses -
"West" seems to signify challenge and adventure here in the US. Is that true elsewhere in the world?
Asked by rojo | 10 responses -
Anarchy, anyone?
Asked by eupatorium | 55 responses -
If society ever reached a point where all your wants and needs were provided by automation what would we do with ourselves on our time here on Earth?
Asked by rojo | 16 responses -
Did you have any illusions in life which you nurtured for a certain period of time and had to let go?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 32 responses -
When do we lose the ability to skip?
Asked by rojo | 21 responses -
If you combine and add your favorite things what will you get?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 31 responses -
How has life surprised you?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 17 responses -
Why do you think controlling people are the way they are?
Asked by Lonelyheart807 | 29 responses -
If it were possible to provide every human being with all the basic necessities to life should we?
Asked by rojo | 26 responses -
Which do you think makes you a better person, the act of forgiving or apologizing?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 20 responses -
If you could choose an animal to suit your personality, which would it be?
Asked by MilkyWay | 59 responses