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In the future humanity will (hopefully) have many great achievements. If you could come back from the dead to witness one of these achievements which would it be?
Asked by Ansible1 | 18 responses -
What do you think about the ability to simulate the creation of art?
Asked by Iclamae | 16 responses -
Is humanity too sensitive these days?
Asked by NaturalMineralWater | 49 responses -
What stance do you have on morality?
Asked by milla101 | 28 responses -
How can I go from a place where there is never enough love to a place where I love myself, and it lasts?
Asked by wundayatta | 13 responses -
Would you press the button?
Asked by tyrantxseries | 82 responses -
Do you think humankind can ever change? And if so why?
Asked by cyreb7 | 25 responses -
What happens to people that are never touched?
Asked by faye | 30 responses -
How do we know that all we see is real?
Asked by Christian95 | 56 responses -
Are human beings just a cosmic accident?
Asked by mattbrowne | 94 responses -
Which Kundera novel is this in?
Asked by timothykinney | 3 responses -
How can fiction lead us to truth?
Asked by shrubbery | 25 responses -
Would you like to know your death day?
Asked by Christian95 | 48 responses -
How did intimate functions come to be considered intimate?
Asked by wundayatta | 18 responses -
Humanity: Are we reaching our maturation?
Asked by lloydbird | 25 responses -
Do you think that USA's secrets agencies really hide answers to humanity's secrets?
Asked by Christian95 | 25 responses -
Do you believe that everyone has a "well of rage" within them?
Asked by evegrimm | 21 responses -
If you could reinvent religion what would it look like?
Asked by Zuma | 87 responses -
What do you think we are beyond our physical forms?
Asked by fathippo | 23 responses -
How do you think that life will change if we'd have a shorter childhood?
Asked by Christian95 | 15 responses -
Do you consider yourself to have a realistic idea of how the human population would be altered if world peace were to occur?
Asked by Nially_Bob | 20 responses -
What did you find recently, that you lost a long long time ago?
Asked by FB | 21 responses -
Are you Smarter than the average human?
Asked by ABoyNamedBoobs03 | 86 responses -
Did I ruin my friend's faith in humanity?
Asked by mowens | 15 responses -
Which country has the best Laws, overall, and how could they improve them to make them suitable for adoption by all other countries?
Asked by lloydbird | 26 responses