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How much is the iPhone without resigning your contract?
Asked by TheNakedHippie | 2 responses -
Why does the iPhone battery die so fast? What can be done?
Asked by sailor | 12 responses -
Is there a way I can stop an app from installing on my iPhone?
Asked by rawrgrr from iPhone | 7 responses -
How do I put a background on my iphone?
Asked by Sunsetseast | 8 responses -
How can I unlock iphone without losing contacts and messages?
Asked by steve22 | 17 responses -
Is there any way to archive text messages on an iPhone4?
Asked by whattodowhattodo | 2 responses -
Can an ipad4 replace the cell phone, laptop, and kindle?
Asked by prioritymail | 27 responses -
Custom Icons for Pwned iPhone\Winterboard.
Asked by jtvoar16 | 4 responses -
Jailbroke 1g iPod touch, killed battery?
Asked by XCNuse from iPhone | 4 responses -
Is there anyway to get more text message tones on the iPhone?
Asked by johnny from iPhone | 1 response -
This is my 2nd iphone, and the 2nd time the volume button has gotten messed up. wtf?
Asked by alekseistevens | 4 responses -
Can anyone help me with my iphone problem?
Asked by peinrikudo6 | 5 responses -
Why won't my iPhone vibrate?
Asked by peinrikudo6 | 8 responses -
How can I use Lotus Notes on an iPhone?
Asked by Johannes | 2 responses -
A couple questions about using Mail.app with IMAP/Gmail on my iPhone...
Asked by soethe6 | 2 responses -
iPhone interference?
Asked by pattyb from iPhone | 7 responses -
How many of you use Apple products?
Asked by jonno | 37 responses -
How do I revirginize by jailbroken iPhone ?
Asked by clairedete | 8 responses -
Is there an ipod touch/iphone version of this site?
Asked by diceliving | 4 responses -
while you're on your iPhone, does the Internet ever black out while you're using it?
Asked by teejay0514 from iPhone | 9 responses -
Anyone ever go without a cell phone or blackberry for an extended amount of time?
Asked by luminous00 | 26 responses -
Don't look now... IT'S AN IPHONE QUESTION!
Asked by Theotherkid | 15 responses -
Is anyone here using Loopt on the iPhone?
Asked by waterskier2007 | 7 responses -
(For iPhone users)What apps are on your home screen?
Asked by Sneakerfreak503 from iPhone | 14 responses -
Is there anyway to replace cracked glass on the front of an iphone?
Asked by xacrox from iPhone | 9 responses