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At what point, when recovering from an illness, should I get a new toothbrush?
Asked by wilma | 24 responses -
Success story?: How did you reverse Common Cold at the onset?
Asked by longtresses | 13 responses -
What should I take if I feel like I am getting a cold, other than Vitamin C?
Asked by jca | 11 responses -
I've been sick with something since the 26th. How long does the flu last?
Asked by Jude | 30 responses -
What are they looking for in my blood?
Asked by newtscamander | 30 responses -
Is playing the hand one is dealt really brave?
Asked by SuperMouse | 18 responses -
Should I be concerned about my irregular period patterns?
Asked by Julietxx3 | 6 responses -
Is it normal to be this sick?
Asked by Keep_on_running | 10 responses -
Do you believe the rumor that they have found a cure for AIDS?
Asked by AshLeigh | 11 responses -
I would say that the last few years, every cold or flu that I had morphed into some nasty infection; why is that?
Asked by Jude | 21 responses -
Does anyone else on here have or know about Acute Intermittent Porphyria?
Asked by spykenij | 8 responses -
Is it safe to kiss someone if a few days ago I had a viral illness?
Asked by Plone3000 | 9 responses -
Have you ever had an experience with friend or relative with Munchausen Syndrome?
Asked by iLove | 13 responses -
Anyone who was diagnosed with some sort of illness, did you know that something "just wasn't right" with your body before doctors discovered the illness?
Asked by Jude | 8 responses -
The longer you're ill with an infection before getting an antibiotic, the longer it will take you to recover. True or not?
Asked by tedibear | 15 responses -
Is it common for physical illness (unrelated to the brain) to cause mental changes? What have been your or your loved ones' experiences with this?
Asked by Mariah | 16 responses -
Does anyone else have a fear of stress, and how do you combat it?
Asked by Mariah | 20 responses -
How did you or a close friend or family member deal with the weird mixed emotions that sometimes happen when they started to recover from a chronic long term illness?
Asked by keobooks | 16 responses -
Can humans or animals get sick from power tower lines?
Asked by chyna | 9 responses -
What's the big deal about taking a pill?
Asked by Mariah | 19 responses -
How do you justify cheating?
Asked by BeccaBoo | 37 responses -
Is blowing sinus mucous out better than snorting it in?
Asked by Zaku | 9 responses -
Are there any flutherers that are dealing with a chronic autoimmune disease?
Asked by gravity | 6 responses -
Do you have a disorder that you hate thinking of as a "disorder?"?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 39 responses -
Do you think labelling psychological illnesses and disorders helps or hinders healing and recovery?
Asked by nebule | 21 responses