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Does anyone know about renewal of expired Green Cards for USA?
Asked by tan235 | 7 responses -
For people who have immigrated to the United States; what has been your experience like?
Asked by raven860 | 6 responses -
What are the consequences of the declining birth rate in the U.S.?
Asked by wundayatta | 4 responses -
Should I move from Greece to San Francisco and How?
Asked by flatro1 | 7 responses -
Africans, buses, and seat sharing: cultural phenomenon?
Asked by SmashTheState | 18 responses -
Can I apply immigration if I have mortgage to pay?
Asked by CarterChen | 4 responses -
When you're in Rome, should you always do what the Romans do?
Asked by wundayatta | 30 responses -
Americans: Would you move to another country solely for economic reasons? Why or why not?
Asked by prolificus | 10 responses -
Why do you think people immigrate to America?
Asked by bkcunningham | 46 responses -
What do you think life would be like in the western hemisphere (North and South America) if it had never been invaded by the European colonial powers?
Asked by Brian1946 | 7 responses -
Can a non-US citizen file for child support and family abandonment?
Asked by geoffreysolo from iPhone | 10 responses -
What does this tell us about the growth of the Muslim population in the UK?
Asked by plethora | 13 responses -
Where should I emigrate to?
Asked by MissCupid | 21 responses -
How do I get back to Canada with my husband, from Egypt, while I am in Egypt, with out going back to Canada, using the Family Sponsor from my mother or father? Does anyone know?
Asked by spritzup2020 | 2 responses -
US embassy claims my brother petitioned for me to get a greencard but he doesn't remember doing so ?
Asked by suzie271 | 1 response -
There is a new Republican talking point called birthright citizenship. Do you think we need a constitutional amendment to eliminate it for illegal immigrants?
Asked by Ron_C | 63 responses -
How do i become a resident of california?
Asked by yazmin86 | 6 responses -
Will you share with us the story of your family's immigration to the country you live in now?
Asked by JLeslie | 23 responses -
When did people stop immigrating to Ellis Island and Why?
Asked by RANGIEBABY | 49 responses -
Is investing in the stock market lawful for F1- International Students in the U.S.?
Asked by steve22 | 3 responses -
Should States Sue Feds. for Damages?
Asked by ItsAHabit | 24 responses -
Is the Federal Immigration Law Enforcement Problem Political?
Asked by ItsAHabit | 11 responses -
Why Sue AZ but Not Illegal Sanctuaries?
Asked by ItsAHabit | 60 responses -
What should I do about my fast track interview for a passport?
Asked by trickface | 11 responses -
Are international students who live in the US allowed to make money on ebay?
Asked by syriansteve | 5 responses