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What in the WORLD can be done about this?
Asked by CaptainHarley | 201 responses -
Why are razor blade refills so darn expensive?
Asked by JustJessica | 23 responses -
USA Jellies how soon will the tariffs from Trump impact you and your family?
Asked by Tropical_Willie | 9 responses -
Do you include room left on your credit card as money left for the month for your budget?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 19 responses -
Is deflation "worse" than inflation?
Asked by cockswain | 12 responses -
Does a gold standard really protect us from inflation?
Asked by ETpro | 6 responses -
Is it true overall the middle class is making less every decade?
Asked by LDRSHIP | 65 responses -
Why does the broadcast media seem to want to sell every storm as if it were the end of the world?
Asked by josie | 15 responses -
With the cost and increasing scarcity of food going up, will we see a new trend of people getting hunting and fishing licenses?
Asked by seawulf575 | 18 responses -
If capitalism is supposed to lower prices then why are they going up?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 26 responses -
What goods' or services' prices dropped/increased the most over time?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 11 responses -
Is a "temporary inflation fee" not the same as a "price hike"?
Asked by LadyMarissa | 8 responses -
Since 2008, the Fed has tripled the monetary base: why is there so little inflation?
Asked by Qingu | 51 responses -
Why are gas prices in California way higher than the rest of the country?
Asked by Demosthenes | 24 responses -
In its simplest form what is the true reason for inflation?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 35 responses -
How come so many people pay extraordinary prices for mobile devices and plans?
Asked by ubersiren | 38 responses -
How are energy prices affecting you?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 19 responses -
Do you think COVID-19 is going to crash the world's economy?
Asked by luigirovatti | 26 responses -
What are you doing to prepare for the collapse of the US Dollar?
Asked by CaptainHarley | 207 responses -
Have you used kinesiology tape?
Asked by gondwanalon | 3 responses -
Should we try to increase inflation to end the Great Recession?
Asked by Qingu | 61 responses -
Should I build now, or wait till next year?
Asked by Smashley | 12 responses -
Why does the Federal Reserve have a monopoly on the issuing of American Currency?
Asked by Darbio16 | 42 responses -
When it’s time to replace a major appliance are you thunderstruck by sticker shock?
Asked by stanleybmanly from iPhone | 13 responses -
What causes inflation?
Asked by sarahsugs | 19 responses