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Do spiders feel emotions? Do they feel pain? and other questions...
Asked by zookeeny | 69 responses -
Should I kill it?
Asked by MacBean | 37 responses -
Can I nurse a butterfly back to health?
Asked by nebule | 29 responses -
How long can a bee stay frozen?
Asked by AceSpadez | 16 responses -
Why do bugs legs curl up when they die?
Asked by Isssyyy from iPhone | 7 responses -
Will a cattle prod kill the mosquito larvae in my standing water?
Asked by Drgrafenbergmd | 14 responses -
What do bees eat?
Asked by jm3 | 22 responses -
Why do cockroaches turn upside down to die?
Asked by timothykinney | 10 responses -
How large/furry/"human" does an animal have to be for you to consider its value?
Asked by longgone | 33 responses -
Can a spider have a heart attack?
Asked by fluthernutter from iPhone | 13 responses -
Do you want to help out the monarch butterfly?
Asked by syz | 14 responses -
Do mosquitos have an elevation they remain in?
Asked by Dog | 14 responses -
Why don't butterflies try to get indoors?
Asked by ibstubro | 10 responses -
Why do insects always die on their back?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 27 responses -
Would you like to share your scariest insect story?
Asked by Shippy | 71 responses -
Are you doing anything to aid the declining Monarch butterfly population?
Asked by ibstubro | 50 responses -
Gardeners: how close is too close?
Asked by tinyfaery from iPhone | 35 responses -
I have small sand-like piles on my floor...
Asked by star*dar | 11 responses -
How do they clean the bug poop off of herbs that are being dried and packaged for commercial sale?
Asked by Jeruba | 11 responses -
Do flies think they're dogs?
Asked by janbb | 23 responses -
What is a common myth that you know is false, but a lot of people you know believe it is true?
Asked by evelyns_pet_zebra | 55 responses -
Could it be possible that mosquitos will be extinct someday?
Asked by Your_Majesty | 40 responses -
What mechanisms or metabolisms do animals use to survive outdoors when the temperature is 10° below zero?
Asked by ibstubro | 9 responses -
What's the worst place you've found a bug?
Asked by ubersiren | 70 responses -
Ant behavior: will stray ants find and be accepted into new colonies?
Asked by Dog from iPhone | 7 responses