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If a health insurance provider penalizes a person for smoking, shouldn't they penalize overweight people too?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 87 responses -
Help! Who is the best insurance company to use? This is highway robbery!
Asked by EmptyNest | 14 responses -
How do the middle class poor afford dental care?
Asked by Blueroses | 15 responses -
Is getting an ISIC card when studying abroad worth it?
Asked by prioritymail | 2 responses -
When do you decide to settle on an auto-insurance claim?
Asked by judochop | 22 responses -
Okay guys, I need your help on how to politely word a request for our school's insurance info. Ideas?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 45 responses -
Why does my mortgage company want me to sign the check over to them?
Asked by Strauss | 6 responses -
What's my next move on this ear infection?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 15 responses -
Texas State Auto Insurance Law Question (see details).
Asked by YoBob | 5 responses -
Are those "YEAH" answers from the audience in the last Tea Party debate going to come back and haunt them later?
Asked by woodcutter | 14 responses -
What can one do in a situation like this?
Asked by BoyWonder | 8 responses -
Why does checking your credit score lower your credit score?
Asked by chyna | 12 responses -
How does this insurance claim on my roof work?
Asked by marialisa | 10 responses -
Can an insurance company cancel your policy or raise your rates after a roof claim?
Asked by marialisa | 6 responses -
Any recommendations for health insurance for the self-employed?
Asked by YoBob | 7 responses -
What can I do about this Homeowners Insurance Problem?
Asked by marialisa | 4 responses -
Isn't it sort of like telling a lie when we use the word free in this context?
Asked by josie | 8 responses -
How can I pay for wisdom teeth extraction?
Asked by livelaughlove21 | 6 responses -
Boring question #38: Your self-parking car causes and accident, who takes the blame?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 12 responses -
Do you instigate others ?
Asked by Hibernate | 24 responses -
What is the best disability insurance carrier?
Asked by jca | 1 response -
Texas Auto Accident - Which insurance company do you make a claim against?
Asked by YoBob | 23 responses -
I rented a car, and the Valet Parking person at the Hotel hit the car. I didn't know about the damage until I returned the car. How can I make him pay for the repair?
Asked by syriansteve | 8 responses -
Can you put an adult child on your car insurance policy, even if the title to the car is in their name?
Asked by MyNewtBoobs | 6 responses -
What action do I take after falling at work?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 | 49 responses