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Tell me best websites which send free sms alerts to mobiles on schedules, anniversaries,birthdays etc?
Asked by thinker | 3 responses -
Mypoints; How bad?
Asked by trumi | 4 responses -
I'm trying to get from Kansas City to the Bay Area (one-way) and not finding a decently-priced flight at the right time. Where else can I look?
Asked by zina | 12 responses -
I've been looking for part-time jobs and I keep seeing these ads for jobs that you can do from home on the internet and get paid through your paypal account? Does anyone know anything about this type of employment? Is it legitimate?
Asked by emmastella | 6 responses -
Free/cheap VNC programs for windows vista that WON'T change my theme?
Asked by fortris | 6 responses -
Would you trade your age for the fastest internet connection in the world?
Asked by shockvalue | 7 responses -
Aren't there any free SF zip code maps online?
Asked by zina | 4 responses -
Best sites to watch movies or TV episodes online (must work out of the US, so not ABC)?
Asked by zina | 12 responses -
I need a program or something I can use to type in a word and have the computer read it?
Asked by 8lightminutesaway | 8 responses -
A question about ip adresses?
Asked by waterskier2007 | 10 responses -
What happens to ip addresses if there are over 4,23 billion internet users.
Asked by Magnus | 8 responses -
Windows help for a Mac user...
Asked by tinyfaery | 10 responses -
Whats a good site to sell ad space on a website ?
Asked by mirza | 1 response -
How does godaddy or any of these players have authority to register domain names? Is there a governmental authority that grants that right? Do they pay a fee? Can anyone start a domain register service?
Asked by mikey7183 | 3 responses -
Can you use JavaScript to force-replace a particular image in the browser cache?
Asked by richardhenry | 4 responses -
Can anyone help me with a Javascipt ?
Asked by mirza | 3 responses -
Good ISP for Pittsburgh?
Asked by bpeoples | 0 responses -
Why is Fluther not working with Mozilla on my PC?
Asked by Michael | 9 responses -
Is there any way to register a custom domain extension other than the common ones like .com, .net. .org - could you do .mike? .anything? who is the authority on determining domain extensions?
Asked by mikey7183 | 10 responses -
Does anyone here use deviantART?
Asked by tirithalui | 18 responses -
Do any of you guys have blogs?
Asked by elchoopanebre | 17 responses -
Should I do mediocre work for money ?
Asked by mirza | 27 responses -
Are there any good websites that can recommend books based on what i have already read?
Asked by deepseas72 | 19 responses -
Why would 2 toolbar apps in XP suddenly stop recognizing my internet connection?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 5 responses -
What are some good ways to keep in contact with your boy/girlfriend/partner/spouse while you're away?
Asked by tirithalui | 20 responses