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Will you be required to purchase apps for the iPhone sdk?
Asked by trogdor from iPhone | 8 responses -
What are your results when you upgrade a first-generation iPhone that has a jailbroken 1.1.4 to the official 2.0?
Asked by thecoot | 3 responses -
English iphone on australian network?
Asked by petercostello | 3 responses -
Need help restore iPhone 4?
Asked by joon1986 | 1 response -
If you jailbreak an iphone can you use a different service provider?
Asked by scrappy | 8 responses -
Am I right that there's no way to jailbreak 3.1.2 yet?
Asked by marmoset | 3 responses -
How do you get Meebo on an iPod touch?
Asked by atr408 | 10 responses -
HELP I messed up my iPhone, what do I do?
Asked by Lost_World | 20 responses -
Do i have to buy "cracked apps"?
Asked by iAMi from iPhone | 5 responses -
Is there a cydia package to allow my ipod to charge on all chargers?
Asked by XOIIO | 4 responses -
What am I doing wrong with Pwnage Tool 2.0?
Asked by xxporkxsodaxx | 2 responses -
Is 30 dollars too much for an iPhone 3.0 unlock?
Asked by warpling from iPhone | 13 responses -
How can I jailbreak my iphone without messing it up?
Asked by bored101 | 6 responses -
Is it possible to switch my iPhone home screen to portrait mode?
Asked by Theotherkid from iPhone | 6 responses -
Does iPhone update version 1.1.3 brick jailbroken iPhones?
Asked by fortune425 from iPhone | 6 responses -
IPod Touch jailbreak help...
Asked by Theotherkid | 5 responses -
Jailbroke 1g iPod touch, killed battery?
Asked by XCNuse from iPhone | 4 responses -
How to make text tones in iPhone , without jailbreaking it ?
Asked by sandystrachan | 4 responses -
How do I convert a picture that was taken into a PNG image that can be put on the iPhone starting screen?
Asked by xxporkxsodaxx | 8 responses -
Is SIM unlocking the same as jailbreaking?
Asked by petercostello | 3 responses -
Has your iPhone Ever Frozen? Jailbroken phones only!
Asked by theloveprophet | 14 responses -
How do I setup Swirly MMS?
Asked by xxporkxsodaxx | 1 response -
Should I get a refurbished iPod Touch 2G or a new 3G?
Asked by Truefire | 3 responses -
Is jailbreaking as bad a pirating music? Do people get in trouble for it? Does iTunes hate it?
Asked by toomuchcoffee911 | 44 responses -
How can I unlock iphone without losing contacts and messages?
Asked by steve22 | 17 responses