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Does the name of a website matter?
Asked by Taciturnu | 18 responses -
What are these marks on this box jellyfish survivor's legs?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 15 responses -
Did you know Dr. Jelly is immortal?
Asked by timtrueman | 25 responses -
What's the best spatula to use?
Asked by Vunessuh | 17 responses -
Do jellyfish ever sting themselves or each other by accident?
Asked by HungryGuy | 8 responses -
Zombies. Fact Or Fiction?
Asked by XOIIO | 13 responses -
What is the correct term for a zombie jellyfish?
Asked by timtrueman | 47 responses -
Do you feel that Fluther has intentionally snubbed more deserving encephalopods in favor of a common invertebrate like Dr. J?
Asked by Blondesjon | 4 responses -
Ever eaten a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich?
Asked by Futomara | 15 responses -
Why would a jellyfish travel in a submarine?
Asked by Rude_Bear | 12 responses -
Is the Fluther topics cloud shaped like a jellyfish?
Asked by J0E | 28 responses -
How much do YOU jellies mix things up in your daily lives?
Asked by barumonkey | 13 responses -
Avatar cat on fluther?
Asked by cyn | 26 responses -
Is someone trying to get free advertising for fluther?
Asked by tyrantxseries | 2 responses -
Are there too many default avatars out there?
Asked by DeanV | 22 responses -
Why is it that Fluther only gives you pretty much all jelly fish to choose from for your profile picture?
Asked by TheTips2 | 33 responses -
Why are the Jellyfish riding a submarine. Wouldn't they die?
Asked by brettvdb | 14 responses -
Do you ever look at users' jellyfish icons and think they're something else?
Asked by ubersiren | 33 responses -
What's the deal with geeks and jellyfish?
Asked by phoenyx | 4 responses -
Do you like the Fluther Jellyfish?
Asked by bobisho | 25 responses -
If I ate a jellyfish would it be considered cannibalism?
Asked by Baloo72 | 5 responses -
Do jelly beans give jellyfish gas?
Asked by mamasu | 7 responses -
Why is a cat one of the default pictures?
Asked by Baloo72 | 10 responses -
Have you heard about the immortal jellyfish?
Asked by SoapChef | 12 responses -
Can anyone help me identify this jellyfish?
Asked by eambos | 7 responses